Page 23 - AeM_May_2014
P. 23

There are four different ques-
tions that, if understood and an-
swered correctly, will provide
your customers with the ultimate
brand experience (or customer

1. Who is the customer – and
where are they along your
customer life cycle?
2. What content best fits the
customer based on past be-
havior, purchasing patterns
and browsing history?
3. When should the customer
be reached (this depends on
their stage in the life cycle –
see point 1)?
4. How/Where to reach the
customer – look at their pre-
ferred method of communi-

I am talking here about contextu-
alization which is next-gen con-
sumer personalization. Forrester
defined contextualization as “a
tailored experience that meets
the individual user’s needs by
combining historical, behavioral,
and profile data with real-time
situational feedback”. Essential-
ly, it’s the next step in customer
experience targeting – going a
step beyond normal personaliza-
tion by adding customer data
(who the customer is), historical
data (what the customer did in
the past) and situational data
(what the customer is doing

Which brings me to “Digital Hug-
ging,” - a simplified version of
contextualization. Digital hugging
is essentially the ability to sur-
round the customer or prospect
with love and affection across
the main digital channels we
have, while providing him with an
experience relevant in the con-
text and time most relevant.

For a portion of that much want-
ed love and affection from your
current or future customers
simply follow the recipe and
cooking instructions:

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