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Emarsys’ "digital hugging" approach:

A Digital Engagement Cook Book

Digital Engagement is not just for big companies or tech- We need to measure how much money we spend on
savvy marketers but businesses of all sizes that are in- each channel against the conversions we have. If we
creasingly reaping the benefits of well-planned and do not do that, then our acquisition strategy is merely a
properly executed digital marketing campaigns, which hobby. Assigning dollar amounts to each channel and
for the most part are relatively easy to initiate. looking into conversions is often called attribu-
tion,hence, what we want to do here is measure in-
What makes it more complicated though, is the increas- crease in conversions against our actions while assign-
ing number of channels (web, email, social, mobile) ing desirable targets, e.g. 20% of my leads are convert-
used by customers and prospects, that are broken down ed into buyers each month.
into even smaller communities and sub-channels- e.g.,
the move from Facebook to smaller and more intimate 2. Increase LTV
communities like WhatsApp, Vine, WeChat, SnapChat
and many others. In short, the job of the digital market- Given the investment we’ve made in acquiring the cus-
ers is ever challenging, and sometimes the focus is di- tomers, every sell we will have from now onwards will
rected too much towards the channels - which channel yield larger gross margins (the purchase cost doesn’t
is trending now and how to make use of it - without any include the acquisition costs anymore). So, what we
real objectives behind what we are doing and why. want to do here is look into the increase of the spent
from our existing clients and make sure they are re-
tained. Therefore, consider the increase in the average
purchase from your clients and increase in their en-
gagement metrics (more visits, increased time on site,
review of products, etc).

3. Win-back

The third and last objective is trying to pull back the
customers who churned or are inactive toward the cen-
tre of the customer lifecycle, so that the pool of custom-
ers we have will churn in a slower pace (any way you
twist and turn it, customers will always churn. The best
you can do is to delay their churn).
While Digital Marketing can be complicated, it’s not so
bad once you have the basics down, like defining the 3
common marketing objectives first: I will not go into the tactics used, but looking at the
strategy, you want to measure win-back ratios
(churning customers versus churning customers who
1. Convert leads into buying customers purchased again) and work towards improving the re-
2. Increase the LTV of your customers tention number.
3. Win-back inactive and lost customers
It doesn’t really matter what type of business and in-
Then take a look at the customer lifecycle and its jour- dustry you’re working in. The job of the digital marketer
ney from a lead to a churning customer. The chart is sales and by sticking to these objectives and meas-
above explains the journey visually, and thus are the uring against them we’re ensuring that our efforts are
following three strategic objectives: directed towards the bottom line. You can now look at
different channels and campaigns, but make sure that
1. Convert leads to customers everything you do is attributed to one of these goals.

Most of the budget we invest in digital is directed to- Digital Engagement in a nutshell
wards acquisition strategies - SEO, PPC, Facebook ads,
banners, affiliation, and so on. The true objective is to Once you’ve defined your goals, you’re going to need a
take the leads we invest so much money in and convert strategy; and for that you need to think like your cus-
them into buying customers. tomer.

22 Asian eMarketing May 2014 - Multichannel Marketing— SoLoMo
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