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Vserv Smart RT allows re-targeting

consumers from desktop to mobile

In yet another move to augment the smart data revolu- We will be glad to evaluate this new initiative from
tion, Vserv, a leading mobile marketing platform, an- Vserv and are sure that it will deliver well”, said Sachin
nounced the launch of a unique re-targeting product, Kapur, Head Marketing APAC Emerging Markets
Vserv Smart RT. (India, Indonesia, Thailand, Philippines), Groupon.

In the past few years, the eCommerce industry has seen Indeed, Vserv Smart RT captures user behavior and
a steady climb across emerging markets. However the intent, which enables eCommerce companies to reach
diversity of the population and the rampant proliferation out to the right consumers. This is done on the back of
of devices have increased the magnitude of opportunity a robust smart data platform that augments individual
significantly. The trend of users moving between devices user profiles, and by using these results, creates a cus-
has also amplified, hence, the ability to match the mes- tom recommendation engine. These recommendations
sage to the user has become a pivotal need for eCom- help eCommerce companies market a relevant product
merce companies. to individual users, on a real-time basis and with the
highest rate of accuracy. ◊
In fact, eCommerce companies in emerging markets
face a challenge of tackling the multi-screen consumer: By MediaBUZZ
98% of multi-screen users move between different devic-
es and screens during the purchase journey, of which,
91% research the product on their mobile apps and 66%
then make the purchase from their desktops.

Vserv identified this gap and rolled out ‘Vserv Smart RT’,
a product that enables eCommerce companies to re-
target these consumers with the right messages, right
products and at the right time, thereby improving sales.

Commenting on the launch, Narayan Murthy, VP - Global
Sales & Strategy, Vserv, said “The launch of Vserv
Smart RT will transform the way eCommerce companies
market their products in the emerging markets. With con-
sumers today moving between different devices, Vserv
Smart RT provides eCommerce companies the ability to
re-target consumers from desktop to mobile. Also, with
100% accuracy in re-targeting, the product is capable of
serving individual ads to consumers in real time and with
customized content, delivering up to 6X boost in ad re-
Focused on the burgeoning eCommerce industry in
emerging markets, Vserv Smart RT enables re-targeting
in two revolutionary ways:

1. Re-targeting desktop users on mobile sites & apps
2. Re-targeting mobile site users on third party apps

“Sustaining engagement with prospective buyers is one
of the biggest challenges that all E-commerce compa-
nies face. Re-targeting helps engage with them, thereby
increasing our transactions and boosting our sales.

28 Asian eMarketing November 2014 - Cross-, Multi-, Omni-Channel & Everywhere Commerce
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