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Internet Retailer Conference and Exhibition (IRCE)

now addresses eCommerce issues in Asia

Internet Retailer Conference and “IRCE is excited to partner with ed options, and explore potential
Exhibition (IRCE) has announced it Last-Mile Fulfillment Asia to build collaborative solutions to meet last
will be partnering with Last Mile on its expertise in fulfillment and mile fulfilment challenges within
Fulfilment Asia (LMFAsia) to deliver education in this fast-growing e- Asia’s developing market. With
e-commerce expertise in a series of commerce market,” said Craig LMFAsia speakers presenting in-
IRCE-led sessions at the inaugural Dooley, SVP of Emerald Exposi- sights on specific market develop-
LMFAsia trade conference in Sin- tions and Group Show Director of ments along with country-focused
gapore on March 19-20, 2015 at IRCE. “IRCE’s expert speakers and operating conditions, LMFAsia
MAX Atria @ Singapore EXPO. sessions during LMFA will directly equips attendees with relevant
This partnership brings together address the issues companies face knowledge, tools and ideas for tap-
leading e-commerce expertise from in their fulfillment ecosystem with ping more effectively into the Asian
across Asia to address “need-to- experience and practical advice. e-commerce marketplace.
know” issues facing this fast- LFMA’s commitment to quality edu-
changing industry. cation for its customers is matched
by IRCE’s proven, industry-leading Mr. Lee Jeong Hoon, Assistant Di-
For more than ten years, IRCE has conferences focused on accelerat- rector of SingEx Exhibition, stated,
“LMFAsia is created to serve as a
been the world’s largest e- ing its customers’ growth in e- dedicated platform for the fulfilment
commerce event, gathering indus- commerce with strategies and solu- ecosystem for the Asian markets,
try leadership and technology pro- tions - no matter their size, industry bringing together the e-commerce,
viders for education and inspiration or geography.” retail, parcel and logistics industries
each June in Chicago. With more to network and discuss fulfilment
than 600 e-commerce solutions Though Asia Pacific’s e-commerce and last mile solutions. The part-
providers covering nearly 90% of market is vast and growing, with nership with an established e-
the e-commerce market in the U.S., B2C sales forecast to grow from commerce event like the IRCE will
IRCE delivers world-class industry US$384 million in 2013 to US$856 certainly create collaborative op-
expertise and forums to connect million by 2016, many e-commerce portunities and synergies, which
10,000 senior-level industry peers companies and retailers are unable will help to enable key players in
and partners from around the to fully capitalize on the these op- Asia achieve their full potential in
world. portunities, constrained by logistical this industry.” ◊
and technological issues, particu-
Expanding IRCE to an even more larly within the “last mile fulfilment” By MediaBUZZ
global audience reflects recent aspect of the supply value chain.
market developments, including
Asia surpassing North America as Within this context, SingEx Exhibi-
the largest e-commerce market. By tions Pte Ltd launched LMFAsia to
partnering across the region, IRCE provide an avenue for e-commerce
can rapidly spread its e-commerce companies and retailers to meet

expertise across Asia’s burgeoning solution providers, examine exhibit-
e-commerce sector.
MediaBUZZ Pte Ltd - Independant ePublisher for Asia
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