Page 28 - AeM_April_2020
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             Social Media Service KPIs

            It is well known that social media is the perfect way to   •  In  order  to  be  more  strategic  to  provide  support
            increase  the  awareness  of  brands  and  products,     more  efficiently,  it  is  advisable  to  track  the
            besides  connecting  with  the  right  target  group.    activities  of  followers  in  social  media  per  hour.
                                                                     That  way,  patterns  in  traffic  can  be  recognized,
            But how can social media engagement and community        which helps to better understand the target group.
            management be quantified to improve the performance      Companies  can  also  use  these  evaluations  to
            of a service offering?                                   structure  their  teams  and  better  split  up  the
                                                                     workload according to what needs to be done and
            Well, the following KPIs provide you with useful insights   when. They are also better prepared for followers'
            by trying to answer this question::
                                                                     activities outside of normal office hours.
            •  Response  time is one of the most important KPIs   •  One of the easiest ways to see customer opinions
                that  can  be  used  to  measure  the  performance  of   in  numbers  is  by  the  sum  of  mentions  of  a
                support staff in numbers. From this, average times   company or brand. How many people interact with
                can be determined and - if necessary - work steps    a  company  daily  or  hourly,  and  what  do  they  say
                and other things can be optimized in order to better   about it, becomes clear from customer reviews.
                serve  the  customers  and  the  goals  of  your
                company. For more complex customer concerns, it
                is  advisable  to  offer  a  live  chat  in  addition  to  the   •  How likely is it that customers would recommend a
                contact  options  via  social  media.  This  is  more   company  to  their  family,  friends,  and  acquaint-
                efficient,  provides  more  accurate  numbers,  and   ances?  According  to  various  studies,  promotions
                improves customer service.                           among  friends  is  still  one  of  the  most  effective
                                                                     marketing tools. For this reason, companies should
                                                                     provide the opportunity to answer this question on
            •  Of course, it is important to respond quickly and to   a scale of 1 to 10 after a purchase on the website
                process  inquiries  efficiently.  However,  it  is  just  as   (Net  Promoter  Score).  This  way  they  receive
                important  to  solve  the  problems  in  an  organized   constant  feedback  and  can  incorporate  the
                and  strategic  manner  so  that  the  customer  is   representation of the brand and the performance of
                satisfied.  Companies  should  give  their  customers   customer support.
                the  opportunity  to  rate  customer  service  after
                resolving a concern. If this rating is poor, ask a few   Obviously,  the  social  media  service  market  is
                follow-up  questions  to  find  out  what  went  wrong.   constantly  evolving,  which  puts  useful  tools  in
                These satisfaction ratings, as average values per   perspective  that  support  companies  in  their  effort  of
                week  or  month,  result  in  scores  that  help  to   constantly improving their service offerings. So, ask the
                improve the corresponding processes and methods   right  questions  and  work  hard  on  having  the  right
                and to increase customer satisfaction in general.   answers. ◊
                                                                                                By Daniela La Marca

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