Page 30 - AeM_April_2020
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             Social Media:

             wide-spread, easy and quick source
             for all kind of information

            Although  most  companies  are  represented  on  social   Sort your social media channels
            media and tend to work hard to solve problems quickly,
            taking a closer look makes clear that customer service   Think  carefully  about  how  you  respond  to  service
            and  social  media  do  not  harmonize  well:  much  of  the   requests on social media. Marketing professionals are
            communication takes place in public, but not everyone   usually  happy  when  customers  publicize  their
            likes to announce loudly when a flight has been missed   frustration:  this  provides  an  opportunity  to  have  a
            or  a  new  face  cream  caused  rashes.  Not  to  mention   convincing and positive reaction, which creates loyalty
            that the interaction via this channel is not very targeted,   and  trust  among  consumers.  However,  experienced
            more like a visit to the lobby of a company where you   customer  service  teams  know  that  a  happy
            have  to  get  through  the  receptionist  first  before   conversation  is not a matter of course.  Conversations
            reaching the right contact person by drawing attention   that  end  with  bad  compromises,  or  even  dissatisfied
            to yourself as loudly as possible.                   customers,  are  not  ideal  for  a  public  discussion.  In
                                                                 other words, those responsible should "screen" through
            In  a  nutshell,  social  media  should  be  viewed  with   service  calls,  assess  all  inquiries  and  prioritize  them
            skepticism as to its suitability as a service support. Yes,   according  to  urgency  and  importance.  The  same
            it's  true:  nine  out  of  ten  consumers  have  already   applies  to  customer  inquiries  on  social  media:  decide
            contacted  a  provider  via  social  media  if  they  have  a   quickly  whether  it  is  worth  negotiating  a  customer
            problem,  but  only  5%  describe  this  route  as  their   inquiry publicly  or if  you prefer to continue  on a more
            preferred  channel.  This  underscores  the  thesis  that   private level, e.g. with a private message or call.
            social media platforms aren’t ideal for customer service
            - neither for companies nor customers. But since social   If  the  problem  can  be  resolved  successfully,  quickly
            media  is  so  omnipresent,  companies  cannot  afford  to   and publicly, you should not miss this opportunity. After
            have no plans for user requests up their sleeve. Hence,   all,  your  reaction  is  being  watched  by  others.  This  is
            the  following  tips  on  dealing  correctly  with  customer   especially true if the topic affects other consumers, too.
            inquiries on social media could be useful”           Then solve it publicly and show the entire audience that
                                                                 you are taking appropriate measures.

             April 2020: Social Commerce & Influencer Marketing: social shopping as the future of commerce     30
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