Page 32 - AeM_April_2020
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             In times of Covid-19, the future is

             more digital than ever

            Throughout the ages, major extraneous circumstances   movement  and  physical  barriers  to  business,  brought
            and calamities have been the key factors that catalyzed   about by the Covid-19 pandemic. App-based or online
            rapid innovation, both in society and industry.      video conferencing have become indispensable, being
                                                                 fairly  reliable,  easy-to-use  and  accessible.  The
            The  situation  in  the  world  today  has  businesses  in   workforce is organizing itself to be a ‘Work from Home’
            Malaysia,  like  elsewhere,  feeling  the  impact  brought   force.
            about  by  the  widening  threat  of  Covid-19.  The
            Movement Control Order (MCO) is now firmly in effect   In a previous report by Regus Global Economic Survey
            to  counter  the  pandemic,  and  businesses  are    Globally,  48%  of  execs  said  they  have  been  working
            innovating  to  deal  with  the  disruption  to  how  they   remotely  for  at  least  half  their  working  week;  in
            operate.                                             Malaysia  it  is  53%,  says  DNA.  The  survey  also  said
                                                                 that 65% of the respondents used video communication
            The following trends are fast becoming mainstream.   between managers and employees. In May 2018, Zug,
                                                                 Switzerland-based  serviced  office  provider  IWG  found
            1. Internal teams are organizing around remote
                                                                 that globally, 70% of professionals work remotely.
               working apps
                                                                 2. Businesses are hiring digital specialists
            Digital meeting apps including Zoom, BlueJeans, Slack,
            Microsoft  Teams  and  Google  Hangouts  have  quickly   Agility is now an imperative to survival; businesses who
            grown  into  the  world’s  largest  ‘work  from  home’   previously were inclined to postpone digital alternatives
            experiment. The world seems to be working remotely.   to  routine  business  process  and  sourcing  talent,  find
            Virtual  client  meetings  and  group  discussions  are   themselves  quickly  transitioning  to  digitalize  key
            furiously  being  organized  in  an  attempt  to  overcome   business  functions,  including  supply  chain  manage-

             April 2020: Social Commerce & Influencer Marketing: social shopping as the future of commerce     32
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