Page 36 - AeM_April_2020
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  &         To  support  business  continuity  during  this  period,
            technology  leaders,  including  Adobe,  are  offering
            special  programs  and  measures  to  provide  continued
            access  to  their  solutions,  including  promotional  rates
            and  extended  free  trials,  through  SGTech’s  online

            The  solutions  span  two  main  areas:  Remote  Working
            and Selling Online.

            We  wanted  to  highlight  some  of  the  resources  that
            Adobe  is  making  available.  These  include  technology
            that supports video conferencing, virtual meetings and
            events, as well as other remote business services that
            can  be  deployed  outside  of  the  traditional  office
            environment  to  make  work  from  home  smoother  and
            more efficient for everyone.
                                                                 •   Adobe  Creative  Cloud:  Students now have free,
            Speaking  about  Adobe’s  measures  to  support          personal in-home access to Adobe Creative Cloud
            businesses  during  COVID-19,  Simon  Dale,  Managing    in  place  of  their  schools’  in-classroom  licenses
            Director for Adobe Southeast Asia said,  “COVID-19 is    through May 31, 2020.
            changing everything about life and work as we know it.
            At  Adobe  we’re  focused  on  how  to  best  protect  and   •   Magento Commerce & Marketo Engage: Brands
            support  our  families,  employees,  customers  and      can begin driving revenue before they start paying
            communities in the face of this unfolding crisis. We also   for  their  Magento  Commerce,  Marketo  Engage  or
            recognize  the  critical  role  our  technology  plays  in   Bizinle  implementations.  Now  companies  have  3
            creative  pursuits  and  business  success.  Creativity,   free  months  to  get  up  and  running  with  no
            document  productivity,  and  digital  businesses  are  too   payments  for  the  first  3  months  of  their  new
            fundamental to Singapore’s society and economy to be     Magento  Commerce,  Marketo  Engage  or  Bizible
            curtailed because we are working remotely or unable to   contract.
            travel.  As  such,  coming  together  as  an  ICT  sector  to
            help  local  businesses  navigate  these  unprecedented   Resources available to help freelancers in the creative
            challenges is essential.”                            community include:

            Resources available include:                         •  Adobe  Talent:  To  give  the  creative  community
                                                                     access  to  as  many  job  opportunities  as  possible
            •   Adobe  Connect:  The  secure,  feature-rich  web     through  Adobe  Talent  on  Behance,  Adobe  is
                conferencing  platform  is  now  available  free  for  90   making  the  service  free  to  all  companies  and
                days.                                                recruiters  through  May  31,  2020.  As  always,
                                                                     applying for jobs on Behance is completely free.
            •   Adobe  PDF  services:  Web-based  PDF  services
                on made free through May 31, 2020, to   •  Adobe  Portfolio:  Adobe  Portfolio  will  be  free  to
                help  businesses  create,  convert  and  compress    everyone  through  May  31,  2020.  Users  can  start
                PDF files in seconds.
                                                                     building  their  portfolio  site  today  to  receive  free
                                                                     hosting plus unlimited pages.
            •   Adobe  Acrobat:  Shared  collaboration  of  PDF
                documents free through Acrobat apps on desktop,
                web, and mobile.                                 •  Adobe  XD:  For  easy  sharing  of  designs  and
                                                                     prototypes, Adobe is providing unlimited access to
            •   Adobe  Sign: Adobe Sign SMB and Enterprise 90-       the  sharing  and  collaboration  features  on  all  XD
                day  extended trials are  available for new users to   plans, both free and paid, until October 2020.◊
                replace  paper-and-ink  signature  processes  with
                fully automated electronic signature workflows.                                    By Adobe

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