Page 38 - AeM_April_2020
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             WARC’s summary of trends and themes for

             effective media strategies

            WARC,  the  global  authority  on  advertising  and  media   firmly  rooted  in  commercial  objectives.  Data  is  key  to
            effectiveness, has released the Media Strategy Report   encouraging behaviour change.
            2020,  highlighting  key  trends  and  themes  for  an
            effective  media  strategy.  The  insights  are  drawn  from   Among this year’s winners were three stand-out uses of
            the  winners  of  the  WARC  Media  Awards  2019,    AI:  a  wicket  predictor  that  enhanced  the  viewing
            following  an  analysis  of  the  shortlisted  and  winning   experience  of  cricket  fans  in  Australia,  a  hands-free
            entries across the four categories  – Effective Channel   smart  speaker  to  help  new  parents  in  China  and  a
            Integration,  Effective  Use  of  Tech,  Effective  Use  of   video-insertion  tool  to  embed  ads  within  a  popular
            Partnerships and Sponsorships, and Best Use of Data   Hong Kong sitcom.
            – the key insights are:
                                                                 3. Brands are exploring innovative angles and
            1.Influencers are becoming a more trusted            approaches when leveraging passion points
             component in the media mix.                         such as sport and music.

            Brands  are  turning  to  micro  influencers  in  particular,   Audiences  are  receptive  to  original  ways  that  brands
            combining their followers to achieve further reach. The   choose  to  engage  with  them.  Connecting  with  people
            collective  clout  of  credible  influencers  and  what  they   through their passion points can be a useful way to hit
            can bring to the mix is increasing: brands are expected   the  right  target  audience  at  a  time  when  they  are
            to  spend  $10bn  globally  on  influencer  marketing  in   already highly engaged.
            2020,  according  to  Mediakix.  What’s  more,  as  many
            people  across  the  globe  are  now  based  entirely  at   Yet  effectiveness  remains  a  tricky  area.  Sport  is  a
            home,  there’s  been  the  emergence  of  what  the   popular passion point, though many marketers admit to
            Financial  Times  has  dubbed  the  ‘lockdown  celebrity’,   being  uncertain  about  its  effectiveness:  $666bn  is
            influencers in relevant areas such as fitness, education   invested annually in sports sponsorship, yet in a recent
            and food preparation.                                Kantar  study,  44%  of  marketers  admitted  that  it  was
                                                                 one of their least understood channels in terms of ROI.
            2. AI is being deployed in different ways that
            show off its range and flexibility.                  Other  areas  which  were  popular  among  the  winning
                                                                 papers  included  gaming,  cycling  and  running.  This
            Artificial  Intelligence  has  progressed  beyond  being  a   year, of course, sponsorship will also bear huge losses
            bolt-on  or  a  gimmick  designed  to  generate  PR,  and   because of COVID-19.
            instead is at the core of transformational ideas that are

             April 2020: Social Commerce & Influencer Marketing: social shopping as the future of commerce     38
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