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  PRODUCTS   “With  the  lines  blurred  between  work  and  home,   works  entirely  in  Chrome  and  other  modern
            Google  Meet  can  offer  the  polish  needed  for  a  work   browsers, so it’s less vulnerable to security threats.
            meeting, a tiled view for your online birthday party and
            the security needed for a video call  with  your doctor,”   • On mobile, Google Meet apps are in the Apple App
                                                                    Store and Google PlayStore.
            said Javier Soltero, VP of G Suite. “We’re in the middle
            of  a  significant  worldwide  shift  impacting  com-  • Meet  users  can  enroll  their  account  in  Google’s
            munication from the workplace to schools to the home.   Advanced  Protection  Program—  the  company’s
            People  want  familiar,  secure  tools  that  they  can  use   strongest protections available against phishing and
            across all facets of their lives.”                      account hijacking.
                                                                  • Google  Cloud  undergoes  regular  rigorous  security
            Google  has  invested  years  in  making  Meet  a  secure   and  privacy  audits  for  all  its  services:  global
            and  reliable  video  conferencing  solution  that’s  trusted   compliance certifications can help support regulatory
            by  schools,  governments  and  enterprises  around  the   requirements such as GDPR   and HIPAA, as well
            world,  and  in  recent  months  has  accelerated  the   as COPPA and FERPA for education.
            release of top-requested features to make it even more
            helpful.  Whether  it’s  hospitals  supporting  patients  via   • Meet data is not used for advertising and  won’t be
                                                                    sold to third parties.
            telehealth, banks working with loan applicants, retailers
            assisting  customers  remotely,  or  manufacturers    • Google operate a highly secure and resilient private
            interacting   safely   with   warehouse   technicians,   network that ensures your data stays safe.
            businesses  across  every  industry  are  using  Meet  to
            stay connected.                                       • You  can  learn  more  about  how  Meet  keeps  your
                                                                    video meetings safe in this post.
            Starting next week, Google will be gradually expanding   There  are  a  few  ways  individuals,  teams  and
            Meet’s  availability  to  more  and  more  people  over  the   organizations can use Meet for free.
            following  weeks.  While  users  might  not  be  able  to
            create  meetings  at  right  away,  they   • Individual  users:  Once  the  roll  out  is  complete,
            can sign up to be notified when it’s available.         anyone  with  an  email  address  will  be  able  to  use
                                                                    Meet  for  free  via  and  the  Meet
            Meet  is  designed,  built  and  operated  to  be  secure  at   mobile apps for iOS or Android to schedule, join or
            scale. Since January, Meet’s peak daily usage grew by   start  secure  video  meetings  with  anyone—whether
            30x and is hosting 3 billion minutes of video meetings   it’s  a  virtual  yoga  class,  weekly  book  club,
            and adding roughly 3 million new users every day as of   neighborhood  meeting,  or  any  other  reason  to
            this month, surpassing 100 million meeting participants   connect with others. Using the new Meet experience
            daily.  With  this  growth  comes  great  responsibility.   will require a free Google Account, which only takes
            Privacy and security are paramount, no matter if it’s a   a minute to create using your work or personal email
            doctor  sharing  confidential  health  information  with  a   address of choice. This step is required as a security
            patient, a financial advisor hosting a client meeting, or   measure,  and  you  only  need  to  sign  up  once.
            people  virtually  connecting  with  each  other  for   Meetings  are  limited  to  60  minutes  for  the  free
            graduations,  holidays,  and  happy  hours.  Hence,     product,  though  Google  will  not  enforce  this  time
            Google  made  its  product  safe  by  default,  including   limit until after September 30.
            safety measures like the following:
                                                                  • Teams  that  are  not  G  Suite  customers:  For
             • A  strong  set  of  host  controls  such  as  the  ability  to   organizations that aren’t already G Suite customers,
               admit  or  deny  entry  to  a  meeting,  and  mute  or
               remove participants, if needed.                      Google  provides  the  new  edition  called  G  Suite
                                                                    Essentials,  which  also  includes  Google  Drive  for
             • Np  anonymous  users  (i.e.,  without  a  Google     easy and  secure access to all of a team’s content,
               Account)  are  allowed  to  join  meetings  created  by   and  Docs,  Sheets  and  Slides  for  content  creation
               individual accounts.                                 and  real-time  collaboration.  It’s  perfect  for  teams
             • Meet  meeting  codes  are  complex  by  default  and   that need access to Meet’s more advanced features,
               therefore resilient to brute-force “guessing.”       such as dial-in phone numbers, larger meetings and
                                                                    meeting recording.
             • Meet video meetings are encrypted in transit, and all
               recordings stored  in Google Drive  are encrypted in   • Existing  G  Suite  customers:  G  Suite’s  6  million
               transit and at rest.                                 existing  customers  already  have  access  to  Meet.
                                                                    Admins  simply  need  to  enable  Meet  by  following
             • We don’t require plugins to use Meet on the web. It

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