Page 45 - AeM_April_2020
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       • Low-Latency Live Video Streaming: Limelight also   In   addition,   Limelight’s   recently-announced    PRODUCTS
         announced a plan to expand its range of low-latency   EdgeFunctions  has  been  recognized  by  IDC  as  an
         live  video  delivery  options  to  include  support  for   innovative  service  that  will  accelerate  the  proliferation
         chunk  transfer  encoded  (CTE)  media  from  low-  of  edge  applications  and  address  the  increasing
         latency  CMAF  derived  media  workflows.  Low-   demand  for  stream  protection  and  advanced  video
         latency  CMAF  allows  broadcasters  and  content   content monetization at the edge.
         distributors  to  deliver  live  content  with  latencies  as
         low  as  2-3  seconds.  By  utilizing  the  power  and   “EdgeFunctions   adds   serverless   computing   to
         optimized  performance  of  Limelight’s  content   Limelight’s  CDN,  giving  customers  the  ability  to
         delivery infrastructure along with the new Live Push   manipulate  content  for  personalized  streaming,
         Ingest  capabilities,  chunk  transfer  encoded  media   dynamic ad insertion and other use cases,” said Dave
         can be delivered to  viewers while media segments   McCarthy, Research Director, Edge Strategies at IDC.
         are  still  being  ingested.  In  addition  to  its  plans  for   “Developers  can  define  and  deploy  workflows  at  the
         CTE media streaming, Limelight announced it will be   network edge, achieving the low latency responses that
         increasing  the  capacity  of  its  Limelight  Realtime   are required for real-time interactions.”
         Streaming  solution  in  response  to  customer   Limelight’s  edge  services  platform  includes  a  unique
         demand.  Limelight  Realtime  Streaming  is  the  first   combination  of  global  private  infrastructure,  intelligent
         scalable,  sub-second  live  video  streaming  solution   software,  and  expert  support  services  that  enable
         that is natively supported by major browsers without   current and future workflows. ◊
         special  plug-ins.  It  enables  real-time  interactive
         video  workflows  for  sports,  gaming,  wagering,                                  By MediaBUZZ
         auctions, live meetings, and more.

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