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       clunky  content  management  systems  that  require   •  Manage different domains from one place. With          &
       heavy maintenance  and make it difficult for marketers   multiple  domain  capabilities  in   CMS  Hub    PRODUCTS
       to  do  their  best  work.  With  CMS  Hub  Professional,   Enterprise, users can create microsites for specific
       users can:                                              campaigns  and  manage  and  report  on  multiple
                                                               websites all within the same, secure CMS portal.
       •  Manage  their  website  as  they  grow,  without
          having  to  worry  about  the  speed,  security,  or   Delivering delightful website experiences
          reliability  of  their  CMS.  As  a  SaaS  CMS  with  a
          globally hosted CDN, 24/7 threat monitoring, and a   CMS   Hub   prioritizes   power   and   ease-of-use
          web  application  firewall  built-in,  CMS  Hub   throughout, allowing users to spend less time focusing
          Professional takes the pain out of maintenance and   on  their  systems  and  more  time  focusing  on  their
          allows  users  to  spend  less  time  focusing  on  their   customers. On average, consumers want to be able to
          systems,  and  more  time  improving  the  customer   communicate  with  a  business  through  13  different
          experience.                                      channels  and  expect  instant  replies,  personalized
                                                           content,  and  contextual  experiences  at  each  of  these
       •  Effortlessly  update  their  website  with  features   touchpoints. But growing business’ most trusted online
          that  put  the  marketer  in  control. With drag-and-  asset — their website — is often the channel that falls
          drop  editors,  multi-language  support,  and  flexible   furthest short of delivering on these expectations. This
          website  themes  and  modules,  users  can  create   paradox  is  caused  by  inflexible  content  management
          easy-to-use  templates  that  give  marketers  the   systems  that  force marketers  to  delay  critical  updates
          freedom to make site-wide changes — without the   and  compromise  on  customer  experience.  With  real-
          need  for  developer  input,  design  expertise,  or   time customer data in the HubSpot CRM driving every
          knowledge of CSS.                                decision,  and  marketers  free  to  implement  their  best
                                                           ideas  quickly,  CMS  Hub  enables  businesses  to
       •  Increase website traffic and generate leads with   personalize every touchpoint, continually optimize their
          a  CMS  built  to  deliver  results. With A/B testing,   site for customer experience, and grow better.
          SEO  recommendations,  and  contact  attribution   “At  ClassPass,  our  business  is  growing  so  fast  our
          reporting,  users  can  continually  monitor  site   latest  information  is  sometimes  out  of  date  before  we
          performance, optimize for results, and impact their   even  set  it  live,”  said  Amanda  Raines,  Head  of  B2B
          most important business metrics.
                                                           Marketing at ClassPass. “With CMS Hub, we are able
                                                           to  manage  our  update  schedule  with  ease.  We  don’t
       •  Grow  better  with  a  CMS  that  integrates  with   have  to  rely  on  an  engineer  to  make  changes  —  we
          HubSpot’s all-on-one connected platform. CMS     can  go  right  in  and  quickly  adjust  the  number  of
          Hub Professional comes with HubSpot’s CRM and    partners  we  work  with,  or  update  key  product
          Conversations  tool  built  in  and  integrates  with   information. It’s given us the flexibility to move as fast
          Marketing  Hub,  Sales  Hub,  and  Service  Hub,   as we grow.”
          allowing users to maintain a centralized view of the
          customer and enabling them to deliver a seamless   Web  design  and  development  agencies  such  as  New
          experience across every touchpoint.              Breed Marketing are also excited about what they, and
                                                           their   clients,   can   achieve   with   CMS   Hub.
       The  Enterprise  tier  of  CMS  Hub  includes  all  of  the
       features found in Professional and also allows users to:
                                                           “CMS Hub is a game-changer for New Breed and our
                                                           clients,” said Kelly Molly, Senior Web Strategist at New
       •  Maintain  governance  and  control  as  their    Breed Marketing. “We work every day with businesses
          business  scales.  With  activity  logging,  content   entering  new  phases  of  growth  and  have  seen  first-
          partitioning,  and  user  permissioning,  users  can   hand  how  painful  website  management  can  become.
          control who has access to specific website pages,   Businesses need tools that allow them to make content
          sections, and reports.                           changes  quickly,  deliver  safe  browsing  experiences,
                                                           and continually evolve their website  — and  with CMS
       •  Build   powerful,   personalized   web    app    Hub, they can have that.”
          experiences  that  are  delightfully  easy  to
          manage.  With  CMS  Hub  Enterprise,  users  can   To learn more about HubSpot’s CMS Hub, please visit
          build  membership  websites  fueled  by  customer ◊
          data in the HubSpot CRM, enabling them to deliver
          delightful,  personalized  experiences  to  every

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