Page 21 - AeM_July_2020
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       Impact of digital transformation on                                                                        TRENDS

       marcoms’ everyday life

                                                           29%  of  those  surveyed  believe,  it  will  not  be  part  of
                                                           most companies' repertoire until 2030. In contrast to AI,
                                                           the Internet of Things and blockchain will also have the
                                                           least impact on communication. Augmented and virtual
                                                           reality  (mixed  reality),  on  the  other  hand,  will  play  a
                                                           central  role,  especially  for  content  production  (48%)
                                                           and  human-machine  interactions  for  the  marketing
                                                           organization within the company (42%).

                                                           New technologies are both a support and a
       Like hardly any other topic, the digital transformation is
       currently   shaping   public   discussion   in   the   However, the study also shows that many issues
       communications industry, but operationally it has barely   appear to become relevant much faster than
       reached  the  marketing,  PR,  and  social  media   organizations can adapt to them. For the area of
       departments,  yet.  Only  a  minority  is  currently  using   external communication with stakeholders, in particular,
       future  technologies,  such  as  artificial  intelligence  (AI),   the experts predict that technologies such as mixed
       blockchain or mixed reality (MR). This is now confirmed   reality and “Internet of Things” applications will spread
       by  an  international  survey  of  155  communication   quickly, but at the same time believe that the concrete
       managers,  designed  and  carried  out  by  the     integration of such technologies will pose significant
       Macromedia  University  of  Applied  Sciences  in   challenges for many companies, which many are not
       cooperation  with  the  PR  agency  cocodibu.  The  so-  up to.
       called “Values & Visions 2030” study is planned to be
       conducted on a regular basis in the future with different   "We are currently observing an exciting competition for
       focuses.                                            the  future  viability  of  agencies  and  marketing
                                                           departments, which  will only remain successful if they
       Artificial    intelligence     affects     most     manage  to  adapt  their  technological  skills  to  the  new
       communication disciplines                           requirements in a few years," says Florian Haumer, co-
                                                           author of the Macromedia study.
       Just  under  15%  of  those  surveyed  are  currently
       involved in the development of AI applications in their   “It is therefore becoming increasingly important not only
       company.  In  blockchain  projects,  there  are  even  only   to  understand  the  support  that  technical  innovations
       5% that deal with specific application scenarios.   such  as  AI  applications  or  new  visual  and  acoustic
                                                           human-machine  interfaces  offer  us  in  a  first  step,  but
       Respondents  predict  personalized  advertising  to   also to use it courageously in a second step automate
       develop  the  fastest:  39%  indicated  that  it  will  become   processes and make the remaining work easier, ”adds
       the standard in 2020. The experts foresee the tide will   Professor  Castulus  Kolo  from  Macromedia  University.
       only  change  around  2025,  but  then  even  more
       dynamically: by then, most technologies would be used   “Companies  and  agencies  face  the  challenge  of
       in   both   external   and   internal   communication.   planning a future that is becoming increasingly difficult
       Furthermore,  23%  of  the  communication  experts   to  predict.  It  only  seems  clear  that  the  relationship
       surveyed believe that, for instance, artificial intelligence   between man and machine is being explored anew in
       in  the  form  of  voice  assistants  will  have  achieved  a   the communication departments and service providers,
       breakthrough. They see further areas of application for   and  that  job  profiles,  requirement  profiles  and
       AI  primarily  in  the  field  of  communication  strategy,   processes are changing radically. Even if 2025 is still a
       creation,   and   the   way   in   which   companies   bit to go - now it is a matter of creating the conditions
       communicate with stakeholders.                      for this,” adds Stefan Krüger, managing director of the
                                                           cocodibu agency. ◊
       A  significantly  longer  time  frame  is  forecasted  for                               By MediaBUZZ
       blockchain technology: In the form of smart contracts,

       21                                                     July 2020: Virtual-, Augmented & Mixed Reality: revolutionizing the customer experience
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