Page 26 - AeM_July_2020
P. 26


             The good in the bad and ugly

             Corona pandemic

            The  corona  pandemic  radically  changed  the  world  as   together  in  the  future.  As  a  positive  side  effect,  for
            we knew it within a few weeks and the consequences   instance,  the  number  of  business  trips  fell  sharply,
            of the crisis are so far still unpredictable. But gradually   which led to a reduction in CO2 emissions.
            we  are  moving  into  a  new  normal,  in  which  a  lot  is
            different  than  before,  and  even  a  few  positive  things   After  the  crisis,  we  will  definitely  continue  to  question
            happened.                                            the  purpose  of  business  trips,  since  remote  work  is
                                                                 established now. In a nutshell this means that we look
            All-embracing digitization of today’s                forward to a more climate-friendly and sustainable way
            working life                                         of working together.

                                                                 Trust has taken on a new role
            The  corona  crisis  has  greatly  accelerated  the  existing
            trend  towards  digitized  work  processes.  Remote  work
            is  suddenly  no  longer  an  exception,  but  the  new   Changes  didn't  just  happen  in  the  outside  world:
                                                                 values, attitudes, and principles changed, too. Trust, in
            standard  of  cooperation.  From  a  team  meeting  to  an
            international  conference,  the  crisis  has  shown  that   particular, has taken on a new role in the lives of many
                                                                 people  -  both  towards  others  and  towards  the  media.
            shared experiences and communication are possible in
            a  completely  digital  way.  We  have  learned  that   The  need  for  trustworthy  information  during  the
            technologies  and  digital  platforms  can  bring  people   lockdown  has  increased  significantly  due  to  many
                                                                 dubious  sources  and  false  reports  swirling  around,
            together and empower us to stay connected despite a
            global   lockdown   situation.   Accordingly,   these   many  have  become  aware  of  the  importance  of  high
            experiences  will  change  the  way  we  live  and  work   quality,  honest  journalism,  and  appreciation  for  it  has

             July 2020: Virtual-, Augmented & Mixed Reality: revolutionizing the customer experience           26
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