Page 31 - AeM_July_2020
P. 31

       Improving your website should be a                  it takes them away from what they were hired to do --   STRATEGIES
       journey, not a destination                          marketing.

       Marketers should be able to quickly stand up a version   We already have to make difficult decisions every day
       of a new site that looks and performs better than what   about  the  best  ways  to  engage  with  customers  and
       they  have  today.  And  they  should  be  able  to  do  this   prospects,  often  in  real  time.  We’re  able  to  adapt  to
       without begging for resources from other teams. Major   customers  on  almost  every  channel.  A  social  post  is
       website  redesigns  that  take  businesses  from  one   underperforming?  Do  it  differently  tomorrow.  An  email
       version  of  a  stagnant  site  to  another  aren’t  just   send has lower-than-average open rates? Change your
       expensive,  they  carry  an  invisible  opportunity  cost  as   strategy  next  week.  But  for  many  of  us,  this  flexibility
       well -- the risk of pouring thousands of hours into a new   doesn’t exist when it comes to our websites, our single
       property  that  could  become  outdated  in  just  a  few   biggest interface with our customers.
                                                           Imagine  if  restaurants  took  two  weeks  to  upload
       Ideally,  websites  should  be  continuously  improved.   delivery  details  to  their  websites  after  lockdown
       Your  customers  are  constantly  evolving,  so  your   announcements. Imagine the losses incurred because
       website  should  too.  Businesses  should  be  able  to   of slow reaction. Now, imagine if losses of such scale
       continually use the insights they gain from how buyers   occurred every time  you  needed to communicate  with
       react  to  these  changes  to  iterate,  experiment,  and   customers quickly.
       improve. By combining web data with information from
       other  sources,  such  as  your  customer  relationship   Friction  is  the  enemy  of  growth.  But  in  an  economic
       management (CRM) tools, businesses can gain a more   downturn,  its  effects  are  even  more  pronounced.
       complete  picture  of  their  customers  and  improve   Without the right tools to manage a website quickly and
       communication efforts.                              effectively,  we’re  only  making  it  tougher.  Marketers
                                                           need  to  be  able  to  take  control  of  the  customer
       Save time with tools that make the job              experience  without  feeling  like  they’re  doing  battle
       easier                                              every  day,  and  adapt  their  assets  to  customers’
                                                           expectations, not the other way around. ◊
       Many  CMSes  today  present  us  with  an  impossible
       either-or choice. Systems that are usable by marketers
       often  lack  the  technological  advancement  required  by
       growth  businesses.  The  ones  that  do  possess  this
       functionality usually require custom development work
       the typical marketer isn’t equipped to  deliver.  And not              By David Fallarme,
       everyone has an in-house IT or development team. In      Head of Marketing, Asia – HubSpot
       both cases, marketers’ jobs are made harder because

       31                                                     July 2020: Virtual-, Augmented & Mixed Reality: revolutionizing the customer experience
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