Page 35 - AeM_July_2020
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       Although  businesses  have  pivoted  their  operations   •  Deliver  profitability  –  with  transparency  across   &
       towards  e-commerce  and  online  selling,  smaller     both  the  top  and  bottom  line,  supporting  business   STRATEGIES
       businesses  still  worry  over  implementation  costs  of   growth and increased productivity and
       digital  platforms  and  juggling  operations  to  meet  the
       sudden  influx  of  demand.  Around  20%  of  businesses   •  Act  sustainably  –  by  reducing  carbon  footprint,
       foresee  a  need  to  adapt  their  customer  experience   minimizing  waste,  and  transitioning  to  the  circular
       strategies to meet evolving expectations and needs of   economy
       customers across platforms.
                                                           •  We can all start now to build our journey towards an
       Supply  chain  and  operations  are  also  other  aspects   Intelligent Enterprise to greatly reduce the impact of
       that  businesses  are  keeping  a  close  watch  on,  with   this  crisis,  while  helping  ASEAN  businesses  to
       22% of businesses expecting significant change in the   innovate and transform into winning companies. For
       future.  Alongside  changing  customer  consumption     example:
       patterns, supply chains have shifted in the wake of safe
       -distancing measures of lockdowns, leading to a stop-&  •  Intelligent  technologies  can  be  used  to  provide
       -go pattern in business-to-business operations.         real-time  visibility  into  the  availability  of  raw
                                                               materials, people, and assets.
       As businesses make sense of the new post-pandemic
       economic reality, worries and uncertainty over the long-  •  Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning can
       term prospects of growth and survivability has emerged   be  used  to  constantly  reassess  and  re-plan
       as  the  foremost  concern.  Over  80%  of  regional    activities.
       business  leaders  surveyed  expect  significant/massive
       impact  to  change  their  business  model  or  operations,   •  Robotic  Process  Automation  can  be  used  to
       with just 1% expecting “business-as-usual” in the long   automate  labor  intensive  activities  and  focus  our
       run.                                                    workers  on  more  value-added  and  efficacy-driving
       With  business-as-usual  no  longer  an  option,  regional
       business leaders are adjusting organizational priorities   SAP’s efforts to lend a helping hand
       with  a  focus  on  business  transformation  (21%),
       enhancing  customer  engagement  (15%),  making     To  support  business  continuity  through  these
       business  processes  more  efficient  (14%),  ensuring   challenging  times,  SAP  has  opened  up  access  to
       business continuity (12%), and supply chain resilience   selected technology solutions.
       and redefinition (9%).
                                                           As a result, SAP is providing free access to SAP Ariba
       According  to  the  Boston  Consulting  Group,  high-  Discovery,  the  world’s  largest  business  network  until
       performing companies who successfully tackled crises   December  31,  2020,  so  any  buyer  can  post  their
       and  major  economic  downturns  demonstrate  a  similar   immediate  sourcing  needs  and  any  supplier  can
       pattern, that have allowed them to emerge as winners   respond  to  show  they  can  deliver.  Free  access  to
       during  and  after  past  recessions.  High-performing   Qualtrics  Remote  Work  Pulse  has  also  helped
       companies who managed to improve their top-line and   organizations  understand  how  their  employees  are
       bottom-line positions adopt a proactive approach, using   doing and what support they need as they adapt to new
       the  downturn  as  an  opportunity  to  drive  large-scale   work environments.
       transformation like digitalization.
                                                           Additionally,  businesses  can  also  access  the  SAP
                                                           Value  Lifecycle  Manager,  an  industry  benchmark  tool
       Accelerating business  transformation in a          that  supports  businesses  to  measure,  monitor  and
       post COVID-19 world                                 optimize  value  across  their  enterprise.  To  help

                                                           businesses  go  digital  and  transform  into  intelligent
       Prior to the COVID-19 crisis, the drivers of technology   enterprises,   the   SAP   Experience   Center
       were  focused  on  cost  reduction  and  productivity.  The
       goal was to make well run businesses run better. As we   Singapore provides an innovative space for businesses
       adapt  to  the  new  realities  caused  by  COVID-19,  the   to  deep  dive  into  the  latest  technologies  like  AI,  Big
       roles of technology will have to evolve to:         Data  and  data  intelligence  on  the  cloud  to  develop
                                                           solutions  tailored  to  the  organization’s  unique
                                                           challenges. (Source: SAP) ◊
       •  Achieve  resiliency  –  to  steer  your  company
          through challenging times with agility
                                                                                             By MediaBUZZ

       35                                                     July 2020: Virtual-, Augmented & Mixed Reality: revolutionizing the customer experience
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