Page 27 - AeM_July_2020
P. 27

      The crisis has shown the importance of cohesion and   technologies  through  virtual  reality,  augmented  reality
      how  small  gestures  can  make  a  big  difference.  The   or  3D  to  raise  common  digital  experiences  to  a  new
      lockdown has changed the way we want to work, live,   level.
      and  be  entertained  in  the  future.  Interesting  new
      perspectives  have  emerged  for  the  working  world  of   Based on augmented reality, training and support can
      how  collaboration  can  be  achieved  and  maintained  in   take place on-site without physical contact. At the same
      the future.                                          time,  new  media  formats  are  being  created  in  digital
                                                           environments    that   enable    real-time   virtual
      New technologies have shown their potential and found   collaborations.  The  lockdown  has  accelerated  talks
      more  and  more  acceptance,  because  people  used   about   connectivity   and   virtual   mixed-reality
      more digital services and channels than ever during the   experiences,  and  in  this  context  5G  has  also  become
      shutdown.  The  majority  will  continue  using  them  after   the focus.
      they  realized  how  convenient,  easy  and  (almost
      always) secure the digital tools are. This familiarization   During the lockdown, we learned that meetings do not
      effect  with  virtual  environments  and  platforms  paves   necessarily have to take place locally, virtual events are
      the way for a future in which remote work becomes the   just as easy and more accessible. The physical limits of
      norm.                                                the  pre-corona  era  are  dissolving,  because  online  we
                                                           can  also  exchange,  network,  and  cooperate  well  and
      Creative ideas and innovative technologies           productively. For creative people, it offers a great new

      emerge                                               playground for new formats and innovative offers.

      Initial  skeptics  may  be  amazed  at  how  quickly  and   The  cultural  sector  in  particular,  which  was  probably
      smoothly the move to the home office worked and how   hardest  hit  by  the  crisis,  developed  a  multitude  of
      consistently  high  the  quality  and  productivity  of  the   creative, digital formats in a very short time to continue
      employees  has  been  from  home.  The  lockdown     bringing people and culture together: e.g. in the form of
      impressively  demonstrated  what  is  possible  –    virtual museum visits, art exhibitions, fashion shows or
      especially  in  the  areas  of  innovation  and  technology.   concerts.  As  a  result,  the  acceptance  and  attractive-
      Creative  teams  around  the  world  have  developed   ness  for  digital  cultural  events  has  increased
      virtual   solutions   at   record   speed   to   ensure   significantly. ◊
      collaboration, exchange, and bringing people together,
      intensively  working  on  the  development  of  innovative                        By Daniela La Marca

       27                                                     July 2020: Virtual-, Augmented & Mixed Reality: revolutionizing the customer experience
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