Page 23 - AeM_July_2020
P. 23


                                                                                              Source: IAB

      4. It has long been known in e-commerce that product-  because  they  can  actively  participate,  for  example
      related content is of fundamental importance. However,   through  mini-games  that  are  played  during  the
      even  with  home  shopping,  additional  information  can   commercial break, or even taking parts in competitions.
      lead  to  an  increase  in  conversion.  According  to   The drivers of AR technology, or ‘real game changers’,
      eyecandylab’s study, more than half of those interested   how IAB is calling them in their playbook  “Augmented
      in  buying  would  use  AR  functions  to  get  more   Reality in Marketing”. has been the launch of AR SDKs
      information  about  the  product  and  39%  would  buy   by  the  major  technology  companies;  Apple,  Amazon,
      immediately a product that is displayed on the screen   Snap, Google and Facebook.
      via  AR.  Especially  sports  television  could  profit
      enormously  from  AR  technology:  from  the  sale  of   If  consumers’  appetite  for  AR  is  continuing  to  grow,
      merchandise  articles  to  interactive  sponsor  areas  to   prepare to see the technology evolving into one of the
      various  advertising  formats  and  live  betting,  AR   major tools and platforms in the tech world. ◊
      applications  could  be  the  perfect  tool  for  marketers
      looking for new monetization opportunities.                                        By Daniela La Marca

      5.  The  playful  handling  of  products  with  AR  also
      means  that  the  user  deliberately  deals  with  them  and
      pays  for  increased  engagement  and  improved  brand
      awareness.  Since  AR  is  basically  designed  for
      interaction,  product  information  and  advertising
      messages  could  bridge  commercial  breaks  during
      sports  broadcasts.  With  AR,  advertisers  can  increase
      the  chance  that  viewers  actually  watch  the  ad  block

       23                                                     July 2020: Virtual-, Augmented & Mixed Reality: revolutionizing the customer experience
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