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            The  Qualtrics  training  program  offers  access  to   “Our experience delivering tailored training solutions for
            customized  hands-on  courses  and  instructor-led   software implementations has shown us the importance
            training  -  delivered  both  on-site  and  remotely  -   of  providing  end  users  with  the  right  skills  and
            providing  users  with  an  end-to-end  education  of  the   knowledge  to  maximize  the  power  of  technology.  We
            Qualtrics XM  Platform. Businesses participating  in  the   are  excited  to  be  partnering  with  Qualtrics  to  offer
            program will benefit from an accelerated and enhanced   structured  training  solutions  that  will  empower
            return on investment.                                customers  to  work  smarter  with  their  cutting-edge
                                                                 software. We are honoured to be playing a key role in
            “Being  able  to  compete  on  experience  is  a  significant   growing  the  global  community  of  trained  Qualtrics
            competitive advantage in today’s fast moving markets,   professionals,”  said  Alice  Hodgson,  Founder  and
            with  businesses  and  government  departments  using   Managing Director, TrainTheCrowd.
            Qualtrics achieving unmatched value through our ability
            to   deliver   real-time,   meaningful   insights.   The   According  to  Martin  Dunn,  Delivery  Manager,
            combination of Qualtrics’ industry leading technologies   TrainTheCrowd.  “Training  delivered  by  Qualtrics  and
            and  TrainTheCrowd’s  tried  and  tested  training   TrainTheCrowd is suitable for all users of the platform -
            programs  will  help  all  organizations  unlock  maximum   whether they are new to the suite of XM technologies,
            value  from  their  efforts  -  including  long-term  cost   growing  their  team,  or  simply  want  a  refresher.
            efficiencies  through  to  improved  platform  expertise.   Experience  is  undoubtedly  the  new  battleground  for
            Qualtrics is excited to launch one of the first in-person   business, and TrainTheCrowd is proud to partner with
            XM training programs providing support and expertise   the leader and creator of this exciting category to help
            to  overcome  today’s  biggest  challenges,”  said  Brigid   businesses  find  and  capitalize  on  the  significant
            Archibald, Managing Director for Qualtrics in APJ.   opportunities it presents.”

            Qualtrics training programs can be customized to meet   The program builds upon the range of Qualtrics training
            attendee needs based on their level of experience with   options in APJ, including Qualtrics Basecamp - a free
            the   technology,   unique   needs,   and   business   on-demand  learning  platform  featuring  30+  hours  of
            challenges. Training is delivered between 1-3 days and   training and 60+ courses  - and the new Qualtrics XM
            offers 8 modules to help users manage entire projects   Certification  Program.  Qualtrics  Training  Programs
            across  the  XM  Platform.  At  launch,  training  modules   delivered by TrainTheCrowd are available globally. To
            are  available  for  Qualtrics  CoreXM  and  Qualtrics   find  out  more  visit    (Source:
            CustomerXM, with more to be added soon.              Qualtrics) ◊

                                                                                                    By MediaBUZZ

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