Page 45 - AeM_July_2020
P. 45


       VR glasses Oculus Go for lecture and

       presentation training

       The German seminar provider and specialist publisher   and small 1:1 scenarios, too. Furthermore, it is possible
       Dashöfer   launched   the   virtual   reality   (VR)   to  choose  whether  the  setup  should  be  simple,
       application EasySpeech for presentation skills training.   medium, or difficult: it is "difficult" when the listeners are
       Speakers can import their presentation or practice step   restless, cell phones ring, there are interrupters asking
       by step rhetorical exercises such as direct speeches.   questions,  there  is  an  additional  noise  level,  like  an
                                                           ambulance with a siren pasting by, or light flickering as
       The Oculus Go was one of the first VR glasses to work   if the power would immediately fails – in other words -
       “standalone”, which means without a PC. It connects to   incidences that usually make a speaker nervous.
       the smartphone via the in-house Wi-Fi and this in turn
       establishes the connection to the Oculus servers. The   In practice, it is very surprising how quickly it is possible
       user can simply put on the glasses and get started.   to dive into the scenario. Maybe, at the beginning, you
                                                           hesitate a little,  you may not know what to tell or it is
       VR grows and revolutionizes learning                embarrassing  when  others  watch  what  you  are  doing
       environments                                        under the glasses, but that is forgotten after a minute or
                                                           two and you start chattering.
       Whoever has ever worn an Oculus Go does not need
       an  introduction:  the  glasses  are  calibrated  quickly,   AI gives feedback
       EasySpeech  is  started  and  the  user  is  faced  with  a
       selection  of  lecture  scenarios  after  selecting  one  by   The  Dashöfer  development  team  developed  a  CRM
       clicking the controller, finding himself immediately in a   user administration, an analysis tool, and an AI speech
       digital conference room with a lot of strangers focused   recognition  for  EasySpeech  and  linked  them  via
       on him.                                             interfaces. The AI recognizes every word in the lecture
                                                           and analyzes, among other things, the number of filler
       Jumping straight into a scenario is the right strategy to   words (uhm, uh ..), the articulation, repetition of words,
       feel  the  performance  spectrum  of  a  VR  application.  If   speaking  speed,  eye  contact  and  the  duration  of  the
       you  have  completed  the  first  round  and  are  again  in   lecture. In the first evaluation appears immediately after
       front  of  the  selection  menu,  it  becomes  much  clearer   the  lecture  ended  by  giving  points  between  0  and  10
       what you really want to train and which parameters you   which is spurring the ambition to practice more. There
       still want to configure.                            is  no  doubt  that  EasySpeech  can  train  minimal
                                                           invasively speaking in front of an audience. If you want
       The standard scenarios are actually  quite tough:  here   to  overcome  your  fear  of  speech,  you  will  find  more
       are  two  main  use  cases:  1)  the  user  wants  to  give  a   than enough thrill here.
       lecture,  check  the  timing  and  smooth  the  verbal
       transitions  between  the  slides;  2)  the  user  basically   Dashöfer's AI even transcribes the lecture and if it is in
       wants to train his speaker skills. For the latter, there are   good quality, each lecture will become a nice piece for
       very challenging tasks, such as the impromptu speech,   content  marketing  and  makes  the  investment
       where the software assigns you a topic and you have to   worthwhile. ◊
       speak freely about it: in the first version of EasySpeech,
       meetings  are  trained  in  a  conference  room  with  10                           By Daniela La Marca
       listeners;  there  is  the  expansion  to  large  conferences

       45                                                     July 2020: Virtual-, Augmented & Mixed Reality: revolutionizing the customer experience
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