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             Experiencing the future of search with Google Lens

             and its AI-powered computer vision

            At Google's annual developer conference ‘Google I/O’     If you photograph the menu of a foreign restaurant,
            2017, the reactions to the announcement that Google      Google automatically translates the card and dis-
            Lens intends to revolutionize the way we search were     plays pictures of the dishes.
            particularly striking.

                                                                   When you photograph a restaurant yourself, Google
            Google Lens has vision based computing capabilities
                                                                     automatically searches for ratings, displays the
            that can identify things in the real world by using Goog-  opening times or the contact options.
            le's AI and knowledge graph. It’s nothing more than the
            integration of the Google search into the smartphone
            camera. You photograph something with the              If you take a photo of a concert poster, Google au-
            smartphone and Google recognizes what it is. Subse-      tomatically shows if tickets are available and how to
                                                                     buy them.
            quently, the most important information about the ob-
            ject is collected on the Internet. In other words, just a
            smartphone with a camera is needed to experience the   It goes without saying that this is only the tip of the ice-
                                                                 berg. Google Lens could really lift the search to a new
            future of search.
                                                                 level. What’s for sure is that Google’s move brings AI
                                                                 into the physical world and reflects the zeitgeist of the
            Still, when defining Google Lens quite simply, it does
            not really sound like a revolution, but more like a nice   younger generation that prefers to communicate with
            feature or gimmick. However, what’s behind all this   pictures over text.

            elucidate the many examples of use by describing how
            life can be simplified for millions of people.       Until now, there is no official schedule when Google will
                                                                 be released. It is known, however, that there will be no
                                                                 own app for the feature. Rather, it will be integrated into
            Google's CEO Sundar Pichai made that clear at the
            conference by giving some good examples, such as:    existing Google Apps, such as Google Photos or the
                                                                 personalized AI software Assistant. ◊

              A smartphone can automatically join an Internet
                                                                                                   By MediaBUZZ
                connection as soon as a photo has been taken of
                the network name and the corresponding pass-
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