Page 36 - AeM_June_2017
P. 36


             Machine learning upends rules of

             mobile marketing

            A focus on last week’s Mobile Marketing Association   He explained further that achieving multi-touch attribu-
            (MMA) Forum Singapore 2017 has been how mobile       tion is difficult, as it requires advanced analytics of user
            industry players can harness the power of machine    level data to allocate proportional credit across various
            learning to transform complex data points into a tool for   marketing touchpoints. However, as big data increas-
            effective targeting and measurement. A wide range of   ingly comes into focus, so would the development of
            topics, from programmatic and multi-touch attribution to   multi-touch attribution and machine learning.
            vertical video and retargeting campaigns, have been dis-
            cussed on stage by more than 20 industry leaders.    Echoing Dadwal, Sapna Chadha, Head of Marketing,
                                                                 Google India and Southeast Asia, said: “We’ll soon be
            “As we move forward, data insights are going to be very   seeing a massive explosion of data, from 16 ZB today
            powerful, especially on mobile. Data like context, loca-  to 163 ZB by 2025.” She called for industry players to
            tion, or time of day to target consumers. No other media   channel user data into machines, to allow them to de-
            but mobile can give you that and our next step is to   velop the discretion and intelligence needed to optimize
            channel this data towards building mobile as a reliable   outreaching and advertising. From personalizing adver-
            platform with the same accountability as any other plat-  tisements at scale to automating bidding processes,
            form,” said Rohit Dadwal, Managing Director of the MMA   machine learning is revolutionizing digital advertising,
            in Asia Pacific (APAC).                              helping marketers achieve more in scale, speed and
            Breathing new life into mobile
                                                                 Amidst rapidly declining attention spans, strategic tar-
            Hailing multi-touch attribution as the holy grail of market-  geting has become all the more important, the speakers
            ing measurement, Rohit Dadwal added that it will pave   generally agreed on, be it through innovative technolo-
            the way for agile marketing by improving transparency   gy or contextual storytelling.
            and verification of data, standardizing terms and perfor-  “If you can’t hook consumers within two or three sec-
            mance metrics, while linking advertising data from many   onds, you might as well not do it at all,” said Richa Gos-
            touchpoints – effectively resolving key challenges cur-  wami, Head of Digital and Innovation, APAC, Johnson &
            rently faced by mobile marketers.                    Johnson, calling for marketers to marry content and
                                                                 context to tell compelling stories on relevant plat-
                                                                 forms.  Jayesh Easwaramony, VP and GM, Asia Pacific,
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