Page 39 - AeM_June_2017
P. 39


       Usually, after the security gaps become known, the out-  The financial industry should therefore welcome and
       cry in the media is vast and the reactions of the affected   embrace investigations conducted by ethical hackers,
       banks and financial service providers rather cautious.   which by no means intent to cast a damning light on the
       Some appease the parties involved, some claim to be   financial institutions, rather making security risks visible
       unaware or simply indicate to fully compensate those   to banks and their customers. The direct exchange with
       affected. Anyway, that can’t be the right way.      security experts is simply a good opportunity for the
                                                           banks concerned to develop new solutions and make
       The fact is, that there can be no absolute security, which   their applications more secure. This applies of course
       is self-evident. Therefore banks cannot necessarily be   not only to the financial sector. In times of mobile com-
       held responsible for any kind of cyber-attack. And yet,   puting and the Internet of things, protected applications
       they must do everything they can to eliminate security   are maybe even more important than ever for medical
       gaps and weaknesses in software and applications. It’s   device manufacturers, the automotive sector or critical
       their duty to provide their customers with the best possi-  industrial plants. ◊
       ble security - from the use of innovative software solu-                          By Daniela La Marca
       tions to the elucidation and correct instruction of the us-

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