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Editor’s Note

             Dear Reader,

             The sudden and wide-scale transformation to remote and
             hybrid working changed the digital landscape overnight
             and introduced heightened risks and new challenges. Well
             -established procedures were quickly rewritten, best
             practices rethought, and policies stretched to breaking

             New technologies and working practices that have been
             applied, however, need new security measures that are
             usually managed carefully and over time. Unsurprisingly,
             cyber-criminals were quick to capitalize on the unforeseen
             nature of the changes brought about by COVID-19,
             exploiting not only the overnight changes in working
             practices, but also the general sense of fear and
             uncertainty, with pandemic-related phishing emails and
             social engineering playing a key part in changes to the
             cyber-threat landscape.                                                  Subscription

             Enjoy reading this month’s issue on “Data Privacy & Ethics                 (complimentary)
             in Marketing: Identity, Trust, and Value(s)”.

             Best regards,

             Daniela La Marca,
             Editor-in-Chief, Asian eMarketing


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