Page 6 - AeM_March_2021
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             Change brings novelty, and novelty brings           (SIEM) use-cases that took 12 months to develop had
             opportunity for scammers                            to be scrapped overnight. As working practices contin-
                                                                 ue to change in unforeseen ways, companies need to
             The  sudden  move  to  remote  working  forced  internal   leverage  technology  that  allows  them  to  continue  to
             security teams to work at full capacity, racing to roll out   operate amidst uncertainty without impeding productivi-
             essential remote working tools and changes in authen-  ty at this critical time.
             tication measures. This provided ample opportunity for
             spear phishers to impersonate third parties and clients,   For instance, the onset of the pandemic has prompted
             drafting  up  convincing  and  clickable  subject  lines  ex-  an  explosion  in  usage  of  SaaS  applications  such  as
             ploiting  the  general  sense  of  uncertainty  and  commo-  Microsoft Teams, Zoom, and Webex which heightened
             tion that characterized those few weeks.            the  risks  of  compromised  credentials  and  insider
                                                                 threats,  especially  from  malicious  administrators  with
             New risks were exacerbated by the relaxing of security   privileged  access  or  assiduous  cyber-criminals  that
             controls  in  order  to  facilitate  non-standard  working   lead the user to a fake login page.
             practices. Employees taking their work computer home
             with them found themselves suddenly stripped of pro-  Phishing emails exploiting uncertainty
             tection as they traded the office network for home Wi-  The  cyber-criminals  behind  email  attacks  are  well-
             Fi, with client devices sitting exposed on potentially un-  researched and highly responsive to human behaviors
             secured  networks  amongst  potentially  compromised   and emotions, often seeking to evoke a specific reac-
                                                                 tion by leveraging topical information and current news.
             In  addition,  widescale  remote  working  increased  the   It is therefore no surprise that attackers are trying to get
             risk of malicious insiders, as data could now be easily   users to open emails or click links by using COVID-19
             taken from a company device over USB within the pri-  news.  In  fact,  a  massive  surge  in  spoofing  attacks—
             vacy of their own home. From a company perspective,   accounting  for  40%  of  all  attacks  over  the  initial  lock-
             employee  homes  are  zero-trust  environments:  confi-  down period—has been witnessed by DarkTrace during
             dential  conversations  are  conducted  within  range  of   the past year. 130,000 newly-registered domains relat-
             eavesdroppers  and  intellectual  property  is  visible  on   ing  to  COVID  were  created—with  over  half  of  those
             screens and monitors in living rooms around the world.   used for malicious purposes.
             Traditional tools can be easily bypassed            Traditional  email  security  tools  resort  to  ‘sandboxing’,
                                                                 which creates an isolated environment for testing links
             As organizations around the world began adopting new   and  attachments  seen  in  emails.  But  most  advanced
             working patterns at a speed and scale that had never   threats now employ evasion techniques like an activa-
             been  seen  before,  one  word  in  particular  slipped  into   tion time that waits until a certain date before execut-
             the  lexicon  time  and  time  again.  Unprecedented—but   ing.  When  deployed,  the  sandboxing  attempts  see  a
             legacy  security  tools,  by  nature,  cannot  deal  with  un-  harmless file, not recognizing the sleeping attack wait-
             precedented. Confined to playbooks and deny lists put   ing within.
             together  solely  from  previous  attacks,  these  tools  be-
             came increasingly redundant once the digital landscape   Resurgence of Server-Side Attacks
             had changed beyond recognition.
                                                                 Finally,  the  spinning  up  of  new  infrastructure  in  rapid
             Grappling  with  these  new  circumstances,  employees   succession  has  reinvigorated  more  ‘traditional’  risks.
             and IT teams alike increasingly sought workarounds to   With  companies  rapidly  deploying  VPN  gateways  and
             get their jobs done and ensure business continuity. Pre  expanding  their  internet-facing  perimeter,  this  rapidly
             -existing use-cases and rules that may have been suit-  increased attack surface has paved the way for a surge
             able in the past did not apply to new cyber challenges,   in more ‘traditional’ brute-force and server-side attacks.
             as organizations realized the need for a more proactive   With  poorly-secured  public-facing  systems  rushed  out
             and dynamic approach to detection and response.     in  record  time,  companies  prioritized  availability—
                                                                 inevitably  sacrificing  some  security  in  the  process.
             Increasing pressure on SOCs                         Patching  vulnerabilities  has  been  as  difficult  as  ever
                                                                 this  year  and  with  IT  teams  over-stretched  and  many
             All the above changes and risks created a monitoring   staff members furloughed or laid off, financially motivat-
             nightmare  for  Security  Operation  Centers  (SOCs)  en-  ed  actors  sought  to  weaponize  these  weak  points  in
             tering into a period of digital unknown. Data flows and   organizations. (Source: DarkTrace) ◊
             topology changed overnight. New technology and ser-
             vices  were  deployed  in  record  time.  Logging  formats                              By MediaBUZZ
             changed. Security information and event management

                                                               6                March 2021: Data Privacy & Ethics in Marketing
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