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Striking content marketing requires a

keen sense of choosing and using the

right technique

People have a longing for content that’s conceptually with what you get from search trends and social senti-
and thematically tailored to them, creative, contextual, ment. The difference between the content you have
always accessible, recognizable and simply relevant and the content your audience needs is your gap analy-
and interesting. However, feeding an audience with the sis.
right mix seems often complicated and requires a cer- Define the value and goals of content marketing in
tain strategical approach. the overall corporate strategy to be crystal clear in
As a start, you might want to take first a look again at what you want to achieve - be it raising your recogni-
your inventory to find out if it is still relevant to your au- tion, introducing new products in the most effective
dience, but most importantly you should check if you manner, establishing thought leadership or generating
are really getting through to the right target group you sales leads. Content marketing should help win and
are trying to reach. Because, what you find personally engage new customers and deepen the loyalty of exist-
motivating or persuasive doesn’t necessarily mean that ing customers, besides resulting in higher brand equity
it is of interest to your customers and prospects. and ROI, when getting the consumer emotionally
hooked with what your content has to offer.
Therefore, it is recommended to make use of available
tools to identify the keywords and phrases your poten- Define relevant content channels, since there are so
tial customers are using to find information when many types of content, such as white papers, case
searching, aside from the huge number of social media studies, research articles, short texts (e.g. tweets and
monitoring tools offered to get insights into your con- Facebook posts etc.), eBooks, videos, podcasts,
sumers’ sentiment about issues, brands and news. presentations, infographics and photographs, that can
Consider, for instance, demographics, psychographics be displayed on many channels, like PC, tablet, mobile
or technographics, and combine the gained insights phone, TV, print or online magazines.

16 Asian eMarketing - May 2016: The impact of Social Media & Storytelling, Native & Contextual Advertising, on Content Marketing
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