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Will alternative energy solutions, specifically on the Afri- There is a saying in Africa: “It is not the big that eat the
can continent, become a major disruptor? In the not too small; it is the fast who eat the slow!” Should corpora-
distant future, we could see people across the African tions and political leaders alike recreate the conditions
continent plugging in their electric vehicles to power of adversity to hasten innovation? Should businesses
their green homes. Combining solar energy with electric use this as a corporate strategy – i.e. ask its workforce
power from vehicles, houses could be completely off in developing countries to find disruptors?
grid. Each house would produce its own energy which
could be transferred across town by an electric vehicle. Perhaps we should be looking to the shanty towns for
Can you imagine the apps that could be dreamt up on the next design innovators? If we apply this kind of in-
the back of this scenario? This in turn will impact on novation to developed economies, reverse innovation
how their cities plan for energy generation in the future may just have the power to disrupt even our most inno-
– in the absence of the massive energy infrastructure vative competition.
presently powering developed cities across the world.
By Abbas Jamie
Cities in the developed world will be looking at the ‘new
cities’ to see how to transform their existing centralized
energy generation model to catch up with the develop- This post originally appeared on Aurecon’s Just Imag-
ing world. Technology and innovation companies in the ine futuristic blog that intends to provide a glimpse into
developing world will be playing a major role in these the future for curious readers, exploring ideas that are
new futures. probable, possible and for the imagination. Subscribe
to the blog

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