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Leapfrogging: Has business become

too lazy to innovate?

The concept of ‘leapfrogging’ – or the idea that by em- Quite quickly, beyond all original forecasts, with cheap
bracing modern systems, poorly developed areas can handsets, mobile base stations and unique prepayment
develop rapidly without the need to go through interme- packages.
diary steps – has captured imaginations. With leapfrog-
ging, new ways of thinking rapidly lead to new ways of When we think about leapfrogging, we often think about
doing and being – and new ways of competing. superimposing a cutting-edge technology onto a market
that is underdeveloped. Leapfrogging leads to solutions
We know that we can apply new technology to less de- that can allow you to completely overtake your competi-
veloped regions with great success. But what of the tion, despite the fact that they are better established,
opposite? If innovation trickles down, can it also trickle with bigger infrastructure and more resources.
up? While developing countries may be prime candi-
dates for leapfrogging technologies they are also rich But does leapfrogging only work in one direction?
potential sources for reverse innovation.
Leap in reverse
The massive successes of mobile networks in Africa
transformed one of the world’s least connected places
into the epicentre of a communications earthquake. In Africa adversity is a powerful driver of innovation.
This ‘leapfrog’ overcame problems such as “no line in- When you absolutely have to; when you have no other
frastructure!”, “limited electricity networks!”, and “a pop- option; when your back is up against the wall – then
ulation mostly without bank accounts!” How? true innovation comes to the fore. This is often referred
to as ‘survival’ in developing nations, but is there a les-
son in this for developed nations?
20 Asian eMarketing - May 2016: The impact of Social Media & Storytelling, Native & Contextual Advertising, on Content Marketing
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