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Consider content marketing tools for support, since Content analysis should generally comprise of leads
there is a wide range of solutions, platforms, and com- generated, costs per lead, number of blog readers,
munities on the market, and choose wisely the most number of newsletter subscriptions, fans, followers, etc.
suitable for your individual needs, such as: On a daily business level, web and blog traffic, re-
 Content Management Systems, e.g. Typo3, Joomla, tweets, likes and share clicks, as well as click-through-
WordPress and other commercial solutions; rates (CTRs) are of importance.
 Blog software, e.g. in house solution, WordPress,
Movable Type, etc.; Adding a human touch is equally important to get
attention. Not only does it make your prospects feel
 Social Media tools, e.g. Hootsuite, Twittdeck, Sees-
mic etc.; like they know you and can trust you, but it will encour-
age them to become fans and promoters of your brand.
 Analytics / Social Media Monitoring, e.g. Google
Analytics, Facebook Insights, Hootsuite, Sysomos, You might want to consider storytelling to build custom-
Radian6, BrandEye, etc.; er loyalty, since our brains are far more engaged by
 Newsletter solutions, e.g. MailChimp, ConstantCon- storytelling than by cold, hard facts. Fact is that story-
tact, CleverReach, etc.; telling pleases the deeply rooted need of all humans to
 Landing page platforms, e.g. Unbounce, Premise, be entertained. So don’t be shy to make your audience
etc.; laugh from time to time. Just make sure that your voice
 Survey platforms, e.g. SurveyMonkey, etc. is in line with your company, your brand and the image
you want to represent.
High frequency content should be published several
times a day on social media platforms, blog posts at Last but not least, when you start to give your content
least weekly, and whitepapers, videos and podcasts at more personality, please keep in mind that empathy on
least once per quarter. In fact, the publishing frequency eye level is expected today, so reduce the unnatural
is highly individual and depends mainly on the type of "advertising slang" and talk to people in a very personal
company and its goals. Press releases, for instance, and respectful way. Armed with this information, you’re
depend on events, campaigns and innovations, which ready to create, maintain and govern your content mar-
means you have to evaluate the right frequency for your keting initiative.◊
company with care.
By Daniela La Marca

MediaBUZZ Pte Ltd - Independant ePublisher for Asia
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