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The blurring of native ads and editorial

content makes the difference

Native ads are a type of promotional message that natu- proaches with the target audience and getting in touch
rally interlocks with editorial content, aiming to position with them. Today, the point is to spread valuable con-
the image of the brand in the consumer’s mind and to tent in the network and pick up the users where they
drive the users to take a certain action. Since traditional already deal with topics, which is mainly on mobile de-
display advertising, such as banners or pop-ups, are vices. Due to the smaller screen size, users perceive
increasingly perceived as a nuisance and often simply banner advertising on mobile phones as more disrup-
ignored ("banner blindness"), the growing popularity of tive than on large desktop screens, which again shows
‘native advertising’ becomes clear. Instead of the usual the natural advantage of native ads. They present
graphical banners, with short and intrusive advertising themselves as additional content and therefore don’t
and call-to-actions like "click here" or "buy now", real really have a negative effect, but rather increase brand
content gains ground, such as "advertorials" or awareness and reach by enabling targeted distribution
"sponsored posts". of content to specific portals and websites where inter-
ested readers are looking for that particular topic, even
The trick is that this type of advertising doesn’t look like beyond their own platforms – which is what works only
advertising at first sight, but more like an editorial article. to an extent with standard ad formats.
Only by doing a double take, the differences to actual
blog posts become evident when noticing the usually Therefore, native advertising campaigns must be
inconspicuous promotional tag "featured partner" or planned similarly to traditional large display campaigns
"sponsored post" at the end. on sophisticated technology - such as a special ad
server, agencies or service providers - to keep the
Innovative marketers in Asia advertise for quite some costs low. Of course, they can complement the old
time with native ads and their success rates are impres- online advertising formats such as skyscrapers, pre-
sive, as editorial coverage gives a topic or product more rolls or text ads.
credibility, according to studies: IPG Media Lab, for in-
stance, reported that native ads are perceived by users With the necessary budget to afford the luxury of an
up to 52% more often than standard banners; or Nielsen agency, you have obvious advantages, as advertising
Research found out that natively embedded videos can content can be played automatically from a central lo-
enhance the reputation of a brand by 82%. cation via an ad server on the partner portals of the
agency. Ideally, the ad server has intelligent targeting
Native advertising does not only seem to be natural, but and real-time optimization technology that supports the
at the same time supportive for communicative ap- accurate targeting in the delivery of content.
24 Asian eMarketing - May 2016: The impact of Social Media & Storytelling, Native & Contextual Advertising, on Content Marketing
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