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Optimizing the Customer Experience

for business success

As businesses seek to find their edge in today’s rapidly- Nearly eight out of every 10 study respondents indicat-
evolving digital environment, delivering a consistent, ed they will stop doing business with a company after a
personalized and seamless customer experience across bad experience, with 72 percent indicating they would
multiple channels has become a top priority for many advise family and friends to do the same.
businesses, both large and small.
So, what can businesses do to optimize the customer
This is even more crucial now when consumers have experience for business success?
easy access to information, and can conveniently com-
pare prices and shop across brands online. Social net- 1. Keep a pulse on your customers
working and open information sharing have pretty much
shaken up the traditional customer-brand relationship, First, businesses need to gain an in-depth understand-
leaving only businesses that consistently deliver impres- ing of consumers’ buying behavior and channel prefer-
sive experiences at every touchpoint to emerge as the ences, so that they can tailor their customer engage-
winners. ment strategy towards building confidence and trust.
This can be achieved using a combination of quantita-
In this business environment, it is clear that businesses tive and qualitative research methods, or simply by talk-
can no longer rest on their laurels. Businesses must now ing to customers and listening to their feedback.
adapt to the digital age or risk being obsolete. IDC ex-
pects that 80% of B2C and 60% of B2B businesses to Also, providing open feedback channels where custom-
have overhauled their ‘digital front door’ by 2018 to allow ers can conveniently relate their positive or negative
them to support 1,000 to 10,000 times as many custom- experiences at different touch points, as well as offer
ers/customer touchpoints as they do today. comments and suggestions obviously helps pave the
way for businesses to better understand their custom-
LogMeIn, together with management consulting compa- ers’ challenges and preferences.
ny Fifth Quadrant, recently conducted a study titled
‘Optimizing the customer experience in India and South Additionally, consumers these days are open to, or may
East Asia’ and found that it is critical for businesses to even prefer to, connect and communicate with busi-
deliver a great experience to consumers as it has a di- nesses online. According to the same study mentioned,
rect impact on loyalty and advocacy. half of all consumers turn to online channels first when
they have a query.

28 Asian eMarketing - May 2016: The impact of Social Media & Storytelling, Native & Contextual Advertising, on Content Marketing
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