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World Password Day raises awareness

for more security in the ever-evolving

digital world

Our passwords hold the keys to our digital lives. We use  Avoid using easy-to-guess logins. Long,
them to access bank accounts, medical records, private unique passwords can be hard to remember. While
conversations and more. They may be easy to remem- many users make their passwords short and clever
ber, and sometimes funny, but bad passwords aren’t as for this reason, these types of logins are fairly easy
secure as they should be, and put users at risk. The to guess. Cybercriminals often reference the most
problem is that simple, common passwords like these common password combinations as their first login
are easy for cybercriminals to guess. -guessing tool. Simple keyboard patterns like qwer-
ty or 12345678 are as insecure as passwords like
Intel Security, which is dedicated to make the digital welcome or login. Forget using universal pass-
world safer and more secure for everyone with its words. We all have too many passwords in our
McAfee product line, is celebrating now World Password lives. From online banking to shopping to email, we
Day to raise awareness on how consumers can make all have countless accounts to keep track of. You
their online accounts and activities more secure in the might want to use the same password for all of
ever-evolving digital world. them. But don’t make this mistake. If your data is
leaked from one source, you don’t want to give
In light of recent consumer data breaches, it is more im- away the master key to all of your online services.
portant than ever for the public to understand how to Use different passwords everywhere you go, peri-
best protect themselves and their sensitive data by us- od.
ing multiple ways to authenticate themselves online.
Therefore, Intel Security encourages consumers to take  Understand that personal details are public.
the World Password Day pledge and commit to strength- Important dates, facts, habits and preferences from
ening and changing their passwords by following these your life are just a Google search away. Whether
tips: we like to admit it or not, those specifics can play a
role when we generate passwords.

30 Asian eMarketing - May 2016: The impact of Social Media & Storytelling, Native & Contextual Advertising, on Content Marketing
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