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Finding the influencers among bloggers

Many marketing executives are pinning their hope on influencer is the credibility they have earned with in-
influencers, wide-reaching bloggers with a high number formative and above all independent contributions.
of followers, as they expect theses influential bloggers to
spread their messages convincingly with authenticity. Just because of their credibility they get a huge number
of followers and the potential for virality in social media.
A closer look at the different aspects of influencer mar- For companies ‘influencer marketing’ can therefore be
keting shows quickly why such a path towards the target a new channel to reach the target groups, since appro-
groups is more successful than the more common, old- priate influencers can act as a facilitator and present
fashioned advertising promises, where the slogan “the brand messages or product descriptions target group-
customer is king” is nothing else than a good sounding oriented in the spot-on language.
When selecting influencers, it’s advisable to get some
Content- and influencer marketing practically imple- help from useful tools, such as e.g. the search engine
ments the principle, as companies incorporate the needs Traackr, LittleBird, BuzzSumo, Keyhole, or Influma,
of their customers in the product development and com- which can help you in finding the most shared articles
mercialization by entering into a dialogue with the target in social media, identify wide-reaching bloggers, or
groups. prove opportunities to build blogger relations.

Influencer marketing in particular is for all intents and As with many other search engines, you simply have to
purposes a hope for the marketing environment, as an type in a desired keyword to get a result that ranks the
influencer can be used as a brand ambassador and items according to their popularity, such as the more
translator for the marketing message to the masses. ‘likes’, retweets or favorites, a contribution receives in
Influencers usually reach their followers and potential the social media, the higher it appears in the result list.
customers better with their unique and specific linguistic Moreover, it is possible to work with different search
style than the companies themselves. Their articles filters and to target the search this way even more. Be-
seem more authentic and manage to pick up the target sides various time intervals even different media can be
groups more quickly than, for example, a more complex adjusted, like e.g. searching only for corporate blogs
produced commercial with a celebrity testimonial. etc.

The selection and support are the two main aspects to When looking for influencers, you should therefore de-
consider when searching for influencers. Basically, influ- fine your audience and analyze the blogosphere first,
encers are highly popular people with a positive reputa- as there are many different supporting tools out there
tion in the social media. On the Internet, especially blog- that can help you in picking the most appropriate influ-
gers and individuals with a lot of relevant content on so- encer.◊
cial networking sites have become opinion leaders. But
the main criterion that differentiates a blogger from an By Daniela La Marca
32 Asian eMarketing - May 2016: The impact of Social Media & Storytelling, Native & Contextual Advertising, on Content Marketing
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