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Digital Storytelling

Digital storytelling is the practice of combining narrative share their digital stories via the Internet, on discs, pod-
with digital content, including images, sound, and video, casts or other electronic media, especially since digital
to create a short movie, typically with a strong emotional tools and software, such as e.g. iMovie and Movie Mak-
component. Sophisticated digital stories can be interac- er, make it easy and convenient to create them.
tive movies that include highly produced audio and visual
effects, while basic digital story can just consist of a set Digital storytelling has gotten a lot of attention and has
of slides with corresponding narration or music. been implemented in business by marketing which
used it as a tool for getting user-generated content, e.g.
In fact, digital storytelling can be looked at as the modern when consumers contribute their opinion based on their
extension of the ancient art of storytelling, now just inter- own experiences about a product to promote a firm's
woven with digitized still and moving images and sound. product in the digital world. Digital storytelling is being
used as well by innovative startups to pitch their ideas
Thanks to new media and digital technologies, individu- to the potential investors and to communicate with po-
als can approach storytelling from unique perspectives. tential customers to get feedback about the market po-
For instance, many people use elaborate non-traditional tential of their product or service.
story forms, such as non-linear and interactive narra-
tives. However, the most important characteristics of a In any case, digital stories can be instructional, persua-
digital story are that it is capable of combining still and sive, historical or reflective, and the resources available
moving imagery, sound and text, as well as being nonlin- to incorporate into a digital story are virtually limitless,
ear and contain interactive features, compared to the giving the storyteller enormous creative latitude. It can
traditional conventions of storytelling, enhancing that be effectively applied to nearly any subject, since con-
way the experience for both the author and audience structing a narrative and communicating it effectively
and allowing for greater interactivity. just requires the storyteller to think carefully about the
topic and consider the audience’s perspective. ◊
With the arrival of new media devices like computers,
digital cameras, recorders and software, individuals may By MediaBUZZ
54 Asian eMarketing - May 2016: The impact of Social Media & Storytelling, Native & Contextual Advertising, on Content Marketing
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