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Bloggers, vloggers and media relations'

legal guide

When traditional media organizations cross the line, edi- labelling it as such. This essentially creates a level play-
torially or commercially, they can expect a slap from gov- ing field with the traditional media where editorial and
ernment, the judiciary, their media colleagues or regula- advertising promotions are clearly identified.
tory organizations, not to mention the general public,
Vuelio states in its whitepaper: The Legal Guide to Blog- In a recent open letter to online publishers and blog-
gers, Vloggers and Media Relations. That’s why Vuelio gers, the Community Media Association (CMA) stated,
rounded up all the laws, regulations and best practices according to Vuelio: “Online publishers and bloggers
enforced and advocated by the various legal and other should make sure that, if they are paid (whether finan-
authorities responsible for PR, marketing and the media cially or otherwise) to feature products in the content on
in its report, besides questioning how a title is judged to their sites, then the paid promotions are clearly labelled
be legal, decent and honest, considering the new breed or identifiable as paid-for content”, which is more than
of online publishers and broadcasters. just a question of good practice.

“The anonymity afforded by the web, seemingly place Consumer protection law does not allow for the use of
many new media publishing houses outside of the juris- editorial content in the media to promote a product
diction of the law and regulatory bodies. Throw social where a trader has paid for the promotion, unless this
media into the mix - where anyone and everyone has an has been made clear to the consumer. A prominent
opinion - and keeping a lid on regulations becomes a case last year was SingTel’s controversial campaign,
whole new hot mess”, Vuelio points out. having paid bloggers to discredit its competitors
Starhub and M1.
However, laws governing the traditional media, such as
libel or copyright, are equally valid in the online world “Blogs, videos and other online publications influence
and the anonymity of pseudonym or pen name won’t people’s buying decisions. While paid-for editorial con-
protects a writer from the legal process when the real tent is perfectly legal, it is important that you are open
contact details can easily be acquired via the IP address and honest about it with your audience, so that they do
or web host. not think they are getting independent information when
a business has in fact paid to influence the content.
There are a number of organizations attempting to clean Misleading readers or viewers may not only damage
up the new media landscape, such as e.g. the Advertis- your reputation – it also falls foul of consumer protec-
ing Standards Authority (ASA), which are backed-up by tion law and could result in enforcement by either the
trading standards. The current primary focus of these CMA or Trading Standards Services, which could lead
organizations is to ensure that bloggers, vloggers and to civil and/or criminal action’, Vuelio explains.
social media influencers don’t mislead the public by pre-
senting “paid for” or “sponsored” content without clearly
52 Asian eMarketing - May 2016: The impact of Social Media & Storytelling, Native & Contextual Advertising, on Content Marketing
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