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The formula to adapt to the new norm

and how to thrive amid change

SY Lau, Senior Executive Vice President of Tencent and deepening the understanding of leadership and human
President of its Online Media Group (OMG), delivered a capital issues for a new and globalizing Asia.
speech and facilitated discussions at the Singapore
Business Leaders Program (SBLP), under the topic of In SY Lau's view, the knowledge-based, Internet-
"Leadership in the Era of the Digital Economy." powered digital economy is always transformative, and
sometimes disruptive. He believes that the leadership
Powered by more quantum leap innovations, the algo- experience and knowledge that he has accumulated
rithm economy will ultimately further unleash the power can provide business leaders with valuable insights into
of the digital economy, he said, pointing out the impact of the challenges and opportunities they face, elaborating
disruptive technology on business and emphasizing that on three areas in particular: how disruptions are attack-
developing the right leadership is critical for businesses ing, why customer centricity fuels innovation and how
to succeed in Asia. resilient leadership can help businesses adapt, and
transform in the face of disruption.
"Today, speed is everything. Speed-to-market has be-
come a mantra of the new technology companies. Play- "To defeat the disrupter, the best strategy is to concen-
ing the waiting game with disruptors is risky. Great com- trate on customer experience and value," said SY Lau.
panies always have a way to know in advance if their A McKinsey report on what Asian consumers want in a
business model and product ideas are at risk of being banking service indicates they expect more value, more
disrupted. Data analytics are important to track business control and more choice. This is especially true for gen-
health and consumer behavior metrics. At Tencent, we eration Z (those born post -90s). The desire of these
look at our product performance metric every day, not young people for immediacy and innovation allows for
quarterly, not annually," said SY Lau. zero tolerance of any product or service that does not
recognize their needs first and foremost. Simply put,
Organized by the Human Capital Leadership Institute business leaders must create a culture that is forward
(HCLI), Singapore's leadership think tank, SBLP is an looking, that responds to customer demands quickly,
exclusive program for a select class of business leaders and that can rapidly adopt new technologies as they
from all over the world. The program is dedicated to evolve.

48 Asian eMarketing - May 2016: The impact of Social Media & Storytelling, Native & Contextual Advertising, on Content Marketing
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