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AdAsia Digital Platform for programmatic

buying and integrated report management

Internet advertising company AdAsia Holdings officially
started the launch of its AdAsia Digital Platform, an
advertising platform providing programmatic buying
and integrated report management system, as well as
its AdAsia Ad Network, an advertising network for
Southeast Asia's various local media and publishers.

In the field of digital advertising nowadays, there are a
number of different advertising platforms like Google
and Facebook. For that reason, it has become neces-
sary for advertisers and agencies to configure their
advertising in separate platforms, and then confirm
their reports, which has led to complications and a
higher amount of work. That’s why AdAsia Holdings Furthermore, as a feature of this platform, the AdAsia
now presents the AdAsia Digital Platform, providing a Ad Network has been introduced, which allows adver-
service capable of managing programmatic buying and tisers and agencies to access the media buying of
integrated reporting functions in one single dashboard. Southeast Asian countries' local media and publishers.
Through this service, the following features will be
made available to advertisers and agencies. "Currently, as of May 11, 2016, AdAsia Digital Platform
has already been scheduled for implementation in 30
1. Accessing multiple DSPs and advertising net- different companies and plans to have plans further
works. expansion of platform functions and scale of the adver-
tising network, achieve proceeds of 10 million USD
2. Advertisement to AdAsia Ad Network. within 2016" said Kosuke Sogo , CEO and Founder of
3. Direct deal with Premium publishers. AdAsia Holdings.◊
By MediaBUZZ
4. Integrated reporting management system.
Browsing all creative report.
5. Accessing next-generation TV advertising plat-
forms. (Planned)

44 Asian eMarketing - May 2016: The impact of Social Media & Storytelling, Native & Contextual Advertising, on Content Marketing
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