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immersive exhibition space where delegates will
be invited to wander through a sea of stunning
imagery and enjoy refreshments.

 The Getty Images Gallery installation space on the
Piazza will host the festival’s newly launched Meet
Ups sessions, providing an inspng setting for par-
ticipants to meet and exchange knowledge and

 The popular Getty Images Portrait Studio will also
once again be on site, with participants in the
Getty Images will further celebrate excellence in creativ- Young Lions competitions and Meet Ups sessions
ity, thought leadership and storytelling at Cannes Lions invited to have their portrait taken by leading Getty
through an interactive programme of events: Images entertainment photographer François Du-
 Getty Images will once again be sponsoring the
Young Lions competition for the 19th consecutive “Getty Images has a long history of supporting crea-
year. As the exclusive supplier of content for the tivity, innovation and the exchanging of knowledge at
seven Young Lions competitions, Getty Images sup- Cannes Lions and we are excited to this year be of-
ports the world’s top young creatives as they com- fering delegates a variety of ways to engage with and
pete around the clock to create an award-winning be inspired by our world-class content and storytell-
campaign for a charity, created entirely from Getty ers,” said Susan Smith Ellis, Chief Marketing Officer
Images and iStock by Getty Images content. at Getty Images. “We are proud to once again be
sponsoring the Young Lions competitions, supporting
 Getty Images has partnered with Brazilian agency the next generation of talent to embrace creative free-
AlmapBBDO for the eighth year running to launch a dom with our premium creative content. We are also
unique global campaign, “Millions of Images. Endless looking forward to welcoming festival attendees to the
Possibilities” which has been submitted to the immersive Getty Images Gallery space, where we
Cannes Lions juries. The campaign demonstrates encourage delegates to take a moment out of the
the depth of Getty Images’ extensive collection of wonderful madness of the festival and lose them-
over 200 million images, and how, through the power selves in an oasis of imagery.”
of imagery, any idea can come to life. The concept
features several famous faces – the likeness of An- Getty Images’ team of creative trends experts will
gela Merkel, Prince Charles, the Dalai Lama and also be on the ground, talking about the company’s
Pope Francis – in an unexpected way: meticulously 2016 Visual Trends report. Getty Images founded
reconstructed only using creative stills from Getty visual trend research in 1995 and remains the only
Images. Watch the “Millions of images. Endless pos- company with an international creative research
sibilities” film here. team, exploring trends and the changing meaning of
imagery in advertising and wider visual culture.◊

 Storytelling continues out on the Palais Piazza,
which will be home to the Getty Images Gallery, an By MediaBUZZ

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