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             Metaverse and social commerce

             conversations are trending with

             Southeast Asian consumers

            Talkwalker, a leading consumer intelligence and          are  driving  an  increased  demand  for  affordability.
            deep listening company, and Khoros, an award-            Consumers  are  becoming  more  willing  to  explore
            winning     leader   in   digital-first   customer       new shopping channels such as social as a result.
            engagement  software  and  services,  have               However, some countries are more ready to adopt
            released  their  annual  Social  Media  Trends  2023     social  commerce  than  others.  In  Southeast  Asia,
            Report.                                                  the  pandemic  drove  more  shoppers  online  last
                                                                     year,  with  e-commerce  and  social  commerce
            Titled  From  insights  to  action:  how  to  disrupt  a   accounting for more than 50% of online purchases
            disruptive consumer, the report leveraged Talkwalker’s   in 2021. This trend is set to accelerate in 2023 and
            social listening and AI-enabled analytics capabilities to   beyond, with social media platforms set on making
            uncover the ten most impactful social media trends to    the social shopping experience more seamless for
            expect in 2023 besides demonstrating how consumers       consumers.
            are  driving  these  trends  globally  and  in  Asia,
            respectively.                                          •  The  metaverse  rush  will  pay  off  – The topic of
                                                                     the metaverse is trending among Southeast Asian
            The  insights  behind  each  trend  are  further  supported   audiences with more than 5.9 million conversations
            with  industry-specific  social  engagement  actions  that   recorded  on  social  channels  over  the  past  year.
            marketers  can  take  from  Khoros’s  Strategic  Services   Indonesia  recorded  the  highest  number  of
            team and features input from 70+ regional and  global    mentions and  engagement amongst the countries
            industry experts.                                        monitored accounting for 60% of all conversations
                                                                     and  one-third  of  total  engagements  on  the  topic.
              •  Social  commerce  gains  prominence  –  Post-       This  is  closely  followed  by  the  Philippines,  which
                pandemic  digital  growth  and  rising  costs  of  living   accounts for almost 24% of mentions and 29% of

                                                               6                   November 2022: Video & Visual Marketing
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