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Beacon solutions perform best when

holistically integrated into POS marketing

In the digital world, we are often kind of ambivalent: On helps to improve mobile services, the paradox is clearly
one hand, we want to use convenient and meaningful visible, as these users are just as careful when it
services, on the other hand we don’t want to give away comes to allowing the capture of their whereabouts by
our data or at least as little as possible. Although ser- the phone. In fact, according to surveys, one out of five
vices such as Gmail or Facebook are used diligently even turns off the location function completely for priva-
when it comes to the collection of our data by these pro- cy protection reasons, not recognizing the real added
viders, we are generally sensitive when it comes to pri- value, or just to save battery.
vacy issues and we therefore look at location-based ser-
vices suspiciously. Not to mention that technical requirements restrict the
Beacon use first and foremost, as only newer genera-
By now, the first field tests are completed and Bluetooth tions of iPhone and Android devices can process the
Low Energy Beacons are on everyone's lips. They are, signals. Furthermore, Bluetooth must be enabled and
however, not considered as the saviors of the retail in- an agreement in the form of an opt-in must be given,
dustry, but don’t be hasty to write them off too early. For which is probably the most difficult to achieve.
instance, experts from the location technology incubator
LOC-Place can show how they are used correctly to un- With Geofences and corresponding notes at the POS, it
fold their full potential. Fact is that Beacon solutions per- is possible to get attention for the campaigns and the
form best, when holistically integrated into marketing. necessary activation of Bluetooth, as such measures
increase the range and acceptance enormously. But
Location paradox - although users see the value, more important is the right campaign management and
they switch off anyway the significance that the technology is still developing.
Generally, personalized communication is expected,
With many users agreeing that considering the location but advertising perceived as undesirable.
20 Asian eMarketing October 2015: Mobile Marketing
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