Page 23 - index
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The app enabled UNICEF to under- the resilience of networks during
stand citizens’ needs in minutes crises. Where infrastructure is de-
rather than months, as was the stroyed, priority must be given to re-
case in the past. At risk communi- establishing full coverage. Mobile
ties could be contacted rapidly to phone operators also need to col-
prevent them becoming infected. It laborate better with aid agencies,
also offered new possibilities such local populations - whether they are
as a messaging system that was customers of their own or a rival's
programmed to respond to online network - and each other to share
rumors. Developing the app locally resources.
meant it was better suited to the
needs of the crisis. Targeted to- Developing Telecoms special report
wards more technically literate “Connected Citizens - Managing
young people, uptake was signifi- Crisis” brings together a number of
cantly higher than for other apps leaders from mobile network opera-
UNICEF developed outside the re- tors, government, aid agencies and
gion and as a result the Ebola crisis telecom equipment and services
was shortened. suppliers and has been produced in
collaboration with UNICEF, USAID,
The implications for disaster recov- GSMA, Ericsson, Inmarsat,
Healthcare has seen some of the ery aid agencies and mobile phone Ooredoo and Roshan. With over 50
most striking examples of connect- operating companies in developing pages of original, thought provoking
ed citizens making a difference. countries are significant. Until now, articles and interviews this special
During West African Ebola out- the priority has been to ensure report is essential reading for any-
break, UNICEF developed mobile emergency connectivity for profes- one working in this area of crisis
apps in Liberia to send and receive sional responders. This needs to management and recovery. It can
information about the spread of the change to ensure full mobile phone be downloaded free of charge from
disease. Online conversations were connectivity is maintained through- Developing Telecoms.◊
aggregated on the web to track the out crises for entire affected popu-
disease and identify communities lations. For network operators, By MediaBUZZ
under the greatest threat.
therefore, greater emphasis should
be placed on preparedness and on

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