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at the right time, empowering pub-
Indeed, programmatic can provide lishers to build native ad campaigns
valuable key performance indica- in a variety of formats and sizes to
tors (KPIs) for advertisers, besides connect best with their audiences.
being cost effective as impressions
served are based on data, so the “In the mobile advertising industry,
chance of conversion is higher, af- the mantra is ‘innovate or lose’,”
fecting the ROI positively. Not to said Smaato’s CEO. “We’re con-
mention that better targeting of con- stantly looking for ways to improve
sumers in general, as well as more the mobile ad experience - whether
CEO & co-founder, Smaato - Ragnar Kruse
transparency and better monitoring that’s by improving the relevance
bidders are vying for valuable im- with Smaato’s efficient buying plat- and aesthetics of ads, eradicating
pressions. Private auctions, on the form, cuts out tedious manual work mobile ad fraud or helping maximize
other hand, enable bidders to ac- and unnecessary agencies from the the revenue mobile publishers make
cess curated content, often on a ad buying process, saving time and from their ad space. We want to
first-look basis and with increased money. give our 90,000 mobile publishers
transparency. Both trends quite ob- every tool they need to be success-
viously gain momentum, making Smaato currently manages up to 6 ful - and now we made a huge step
mobile programmatic and data- billion ads every day around the into that direction.”
driven targeting grow even faster. world, across over 600 million mo-
bile users each month, and con- But not only can publishers choose
In fact, mobile ad investment is ex- stantly analyzing where the market how their mobile ads look and feel,
pected to total around $28.4bn by is heading, especially in Asia, they can even choose how these
end of this year - and for good rea- where mobile consumption rises native ad campaigns are sold in the
sons. The mobile world has been the fastest. Smaato exchange - and thus strike
revolutionized by the app economy more premium, high-revenue deals.
and programmatic is just actuating Uniting native advertising with a With the private marketplace func-
this, since the concept is logical. mobile-first, full-featured moneti- tionality, Smaato’s publishers can
Those who are developing apps are zation platform assign inventory to a certain num-
keen to generate revenue whilst ber of programmatic buyers, allow-
advertisers have the perfect oppor- Smaato’s publisher platform, SPX, ing them to compete for the impres-
tunity to reach an engaged audi- recently integrated a super-simple sions in a private auction. Of
ence, due to the enhanced user native advertising builder and pri- course, they are still able to select a
experiences that apps provide, not vate marketplace functionality, preferred deal buying model, in
to mention the best feature of mo- beefing up its real-time advertising which the publisher sets up a first-
bile, namely location tracking. It platform. look, fixed price, pre-auction deal
shows exactly where the use is at for a particular buyer.
the moment and therefore provides “Native ads are less intrusive to the
a true nourishment for programmat- mobile experience, and enabling Smaato has its global headquarters
ic techniques. Programmatic relies publishers to build their own native in California, the European office in
by nature on data for targeting and ad campaigns in any variety of for- Germany and the office for APAC in
optimization, generally producing mats and sizes will be a huge boost Singapore, which could explain why
vast amounts of data in return. for them, especially since native Ragnar Kruse describes Smaato’s
ads drive four times higher click innovative business and technology
Ragnar Kruse advises: “Dig into the through rates than mobile banner approaches as “Silicon Valley inno-
details of who is converting, where, ads and are viewed 53% more fre- vation meets German engineering”,
when, and with which offers, to get quently by consumers”, the expert considering that the company ahs
a deeper understanding of your explains. enormous success especially in
customers. Look at conversion fun- Asia.
nels to determine the impact of your With Apple now allowing ad-
campaigns to find out how they are blocking extensions for Safari in What more can I say, except
driving action across other chan- iOS 9, creating mobile ads that of- ‘welcome to Smaato’s world of algo-
nels. fer a seamless, pleasant experi- rithmic media transactions and won-
ence for mobile users has definitely derful programmatic buying solu-
Make use of dashboards to monitor never been more important to the tion'.◊
media planning and spending to mobile advertising ecosystem. By Daniela La Marca
see where you have the greatest Hence, Smaato’s “point-and-click”
ROI and what’s driving it.” native mobile ad builder just comes

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