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WordLogic's Reach technology

resistant to Apple Ad Blockers

Advertising is basically all about the data and the at- ested parties opt out.
tention of users, which in times of digitalization, howev-
er, is increasingly difficult to obtain. After all, users Besides, improved ad relevancy through audience tar-
have recognized their power and learnt to make use of geting is definitely a good first step in discouraging ad
it. They want to consume content and pay with their blocking. In general, publishers should encourage more
data and their attention, whereby publishers are won- native, engaging and contextualized formats, to reduce
dering how to monetize their content. On top of that, the number of people installing ad blockers in the first
the number of users who speak out against advertising place. Not to mention that placement of banners, inter-
steadily grows, not only because online advertising stitials and pre-roll video, have to be considered careful-
has already been used ad nauseam but often simply ly not to annoy users and to offer a non-disruptive expe-
no longer wows. rience.

The marketing and advertising industry is definitely in a Another countermeasure could be to educate web us-
rut, although their technology is constantly getting bet- ers on the economics of advertising, since it seems that
ter, especially since ad blocking apps have become many still don’t understand that advertising is the prima-
the best-selling software in the App Store. After the ry revenue stream for many publishers. Surveys prove,
technology giant announced it would allow them on its that given the choice, people tend to choose advertising
latest operating system update iOS9, the concerns rather than paying for content.
about mobile ad blocking in particular are growing And when all else fails, you can always fall back on
even larger. Although to date, mobile ad blocking is WordLogic Corporation, the global leader in predictive
only at about 2%. However, most likely this number will text input technology, that announced being able to pro-
significantly increase, since the recent iOS9 release vide Ad block immunity from Apple IOS 9. The company
enables app developers to block ads on Safari.
is specializing for a decade now in developing, market-
Maybe the impact won’t be so serious, considering that ing, licensing and selling advanced predictive platform
ad blocking has been around on desktop for years and software, and holds patented solutions for mobiles, tab-
didn’t manage to kill digital advertising. Or let’s just lets and desktops. Its innovations operate on a wide
think positive and believe that advertisers will actually variety of devices including smartphones, PCs, cell
see fewer wasted ad impressions that way, as disinter- phones, Smart TV, media players, automotive naviga-
30 Asian eMarketing October 2015: Mobile Marketing
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