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Getty Images on the trends and the

changing landscape for the image industry

She focuses in general on the bigger picture, such as
unique selling propositions and the need for differentia-
tion, questioning why visual trends do occur in the first
place, claiming that influencing factors are always
about much bigger things: “It’s about social behavior,
the technology we now use, as well as our dreams and
aspirations for the future, all mixed into one. All these
factors affect our image choice and that is why market-
ing and advertising, as well as the photography itself
have to adapt to these trends.”

Currently these trends focus on very specific areas, like
e.g. the depiction of women, which has especially been
an age long discussion. How women are represented in
commercial photography is something that everybody
likes to talk about but no one wants to do anything
about, because the beauty and fashion industries do
Director of Creative Planning & Trends, Getty Images - Rebecca Swift peddle a certain kind of woman.

MediaBUZZ recently had the opportunity to interview
Rebecca Swift, Director of Creative Planning & Trends “But we are seeing changes in this trend right now, as
people are looking at themselves and others more,
for Getty Images, during Spikes Asia, where she shared therefore, there is a resulting desire to have a wider
insights into “visual trends that spark creativity”. Working range of visualization for women, as well as men - but
for the world’s largest photo agency, she is definitely the especially women. This relates to body shapes, gender,
most seasoned person to evaluate which images attract as well as the transgender community, to the point that
the most attention in the constantly changing media
landscape. children are depicted in a gender neutral way. And
don’t forget about men - generally as fathers and care-
Asian eMarketing was mainly interested in finding out givers – considered as more aspirational, as well as
how the trend to the ‘small screen’ has influenced the more realistic, compared to women”. Rebecca elaborat-
way Getty has positioned itself for the future of stock ed on.
Another trend is sustainability and how this has be-
Creativity is key come a branding value, although the visualization of it
is still quite new, besides other popular topic areas like
In order to effectively use images in innovative communi- wonders, huge landscapes, as well as macrophotog-
cations and marketing campaigns, you first have to de- raphy and how mobile devices have substantially influ-
termine what image your brand, product, or company enced this field.
portrays, and how this can be interpreted visually, Re-
becca explained. This might be a concept, a theme, a Mind shift in creativity
subject or even a style. Once this is clear, it is important
to be strict on how to select imagery to portray your Due to these trends the stock picture agencies cannot
brand. get away with traditional stock photography anymore,
as it was produced over the last 10-15 years. They
“Too many companies just fill space with images. In this have to embrace user generated imagery, Instagram
context, content is a terrible word as it takes away from filters, have to think about square format and every-
the fact that images in particular have a lot of resonance thing that the image-generating community has brought
– there is a lot of impact that can be made with images”, to photography. Corporate looking imagery by now is
Rebecca complained, warning: “If you don’t love the im- just a part of the market. Especially, consumer brands
age yourself, then you can’t expect your customers, or are embracing the social media look and so the photog-
potential customers, to be inspired and excited by these raphers have to develop with that.
32 Asian eMarketing October 2015: Mobile Marketing
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