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Tableau launched Vizable, a free iPad app that makes

data analytics easily accessible and absolutely fun

Tableau Software just announced an entirely new mo- fic - Vizable brings analytics to more people by engag-
bile application, Vizable, designed to help people see ing them with their data like never before.”
and understand data with just an iPad. The free app With Vizable, Tableau brings obviously fun and ap-
was just unveiled at the 2015 Tableau Conference in proachable data analysis to even more people. It is cur-
Las Vegas by Tableau Vice President of Mobile and
Strategic Growth, Dave Story. rently available worldwide in the Apple iTunes store in
English, but will be translated to other languages in the
The free iPad app makes it possible to explore data by future.
using gestures such as pinching, swiping and drag-
ging, allowing people to sculpt data into visualizations It supports data in many international formats today.
in seconds. The first version works with data in CSV files and Excel
(xls or xlsx) files, making it ideal for people with person-
Tableau helps anyone quickly analyze, visualize and al or business data they want to analyze.
share information and has already put Vizable into the
hands of a number of businesses and organizations. Visualizations created in Vizable can be shared with
All those who previously had data and questions, but friends and colleagues through email, instant message,
no easy tool to answer those questions, can now find or social media.
insights to drive and improve their business, even
while they’re on the go.

“There is no great app to see and understand a
spreadsheet visually, using only a tablet,” explained
Dave Story. “This is an incredibly common scenario. Video—
Whether you’re a teacher with students’ test data, a
small business with the day’s sales, a cyclist with ride
stats, or an executive with the past hour’s web site traf-

28 Asian eMarketing October 2015: Mobile Marketing
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