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Opera aims to become the dominant browser in

fast-growing emerging economies with new

compression technology

“Opera Mini has for a decade “Only half of the mobile population
helped hundreds of millions of us- in India is connected to 3G net-
ers across the globe to access their works, while in Indonesia, more
favorite content on the internet no than half of all smartphone users
matter which mobile phone they experience network problems daily.
had or how slow their data connec- And, people all over the world turn
tion was. With the rise of better off their phones while traveling, due
smartphones and better network to fear of data-roaming costs. In
conditions our users now want the each case, Opera Mini offers a bet-
In the newest version of Opera Mini option to have a less aggressive ter web experience,” says Lars
mobile browser for Android, users data compression mode so they Boilesen, CEO, Opera Software.
can for the first time switch between
two different data compression can experience the full internet “We are continuously striving to im-
modes: High and Extreme. With when network conditions allow for prove user experience, lowering
these two modes, users can opti- it,” says Christian Uribe, Product barriers to get online in all kinds of
mize their data compression for Manager of Opera Mini at Opera
different network conditions. Software. conditions.”

Opera Mini's compression technolo- On Facebook, for example, users Opera Mini’s update is an important
gy routes requested webpages can clearly see the difference be- milestone toward Opera’s goal of
through one of its data-saving serv- tween the two data compression reaching 275 million Android users
ers, where any extraneous page modes. In High-compression mode, by the end of 2017 that includes in
elements are removed, image pix- users experience the site with more addition to the advanced compres-
els a user won't miss are shaved dynamic content and video play- sion technology, features like pri-
off, the state of the user's connec- back. In Extreme-compression vate-browsing mode, overhauled
tion gets diagnosed and any down- mode, users get a faster experi- tab switch, new and improved UI for
loads compressed. All this before ence, but with scaled-down images saved pages and bookmarks, op-
sending the page back to the user's and a simpler interface with less tions to customize the browser lay-
device, so that users get the most dynamic content. out for more thumb-friendly surfing,
out of their data plans. a scalable interface with higher res-
By now, Opera enables more than olution for tablets and large phones,
The new High-compression mode 350 million internet consumers data counter to show daily progress
compresses web-pages without worldwide to connect with the con- on data savings, helping users keep
affecting the page display, making it tent and services that matter most data costs under control, or updates
the perfect mode for surfing the web to them, besides helping publishers to the Discover news feed to pro-
on 3G, 4G or Wi-Fi networks. monetize their content through ad- vide more of the latest content
vertising and advertisers reaching a across the web.
The Extreme-compression mode global consumer audience that ex-
compresses web-pages extensive- ceeds 1 billion. You can download Opera Mini from
ly, giving users a very high-speed Google Play or ◊
internet experience while using very
little mobile data. This mode is ideal By MediaBUZZ
for when users are experiencing
slow network conditions, or just
want to make their data plans last
longer. The Extreme-compression
mode can affect the layout of the
web-pages and was previously the
only compression mode available in
Opera Mini.

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