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From left: Ünal Guzel, Managing Director, KEYMILE Systems JLT and Stephan Hampel, Executive Director, APAC & MEA
KEYMILE’s indispensable future-proof

broadband services and mission-critical

telecommunications networks

This week, KEYMILE presented XCC20, its new hybrid with SIP or Ethernet-over-SDH, making it ideal for buffer
access- and transport platform for mission-critical net- management and data synchronization, particularly for
works, at the GITEX in Dubai, the largest ICT trade fair real-time distributed applications and mobile dedicated
in the Middle East. networks.

MediaBuzz caught up with Stephan Hampel, Executive According to Ünal Guzel, one of the key advantages of
Director, APAC & MEA for KEYMILE GmbH, and Ünal the XMC20 is that it has a very low power consumption
Guzel, Managing Director of KEYMILE Systems JLT at compared to the competitors, even enabling it to run
GITEX to find out more about KEYMILE’s product of- without cooling if needed, giving it a very eco-friendly
ferings and benefits compared to their competitors. footprint and increasing its fields of application. “Being
very robust, scalable and modular, the XMC20 is ideal
KEYMILE’s focus on the show this year was to present for tough, mission critical applications. Being a hybrid
its new multi-service access- and transmission plat- system, it is able to operate with optical as well as con-
form XMC20 that supports network operators in mi- ventional networks. It is backward compatible, as well
grating an existing telecommunications network from as ready for the latest technology, making it ideal for
TDM-based to packet-based services.One single net- gradual upgrading of existing systems through all phas-
work element offers both Ethernet and native TDM es”, he explained.
functions, providing flexibility that is possible due to the
XMC20's hybrid system architecture and numerous “Another unique solution the XMC20 offers is that it can
Ethernet and TDM interfaces. be used with KEYMILE’s new proprietary high end en-
cryption system, operating at the layer two level, which
Network operators can run the XMC20 as an MPLS- is based on quantum physics. Here we are unique in
TP node, as an SDH/PDH multiplexer, or a combina- the market, being able to offer an extremely high level
tion of the two without restricting the functionality of the of safe and protected data transmission”, Stephan Ham-
other transmission types. Various gateways are of- pel added.
fered for the technologies to interact, for instance,
TDM-over-IP with Circuit-Emulation-over-Packet, VoIP When asked about the main challenges KEYMILE is

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