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Interbrand designated this year’s

Top 100 global brands

Interbrand’s 16th annual Best Global Brands report has (#8) and McDonald’s (#9). Amazon (#10) enters the
just been released this week, identifying as usual the Top 10 for the first time with a brand value of USD
100 most valuable global brands. The leading brand con- $37.948 billion. Other top risers, besides Amazon and
sultancy and publisher of the report is part of the Omni- Apple, have been Facebook (#23), Hermès (#41) and
com Group Inc. network of agencies, delivering fresh Nissan (#49).
ideas and insights to its clients by combining strategy,
creativity and technology. Five new brands entered this year’s ranking: Lego
(#82), PayPal (#97), MINI (#98), Moët & Chandon
Interbrand’s ranking is based on a combination of attrib- (#99), and Lenovo at #100, making it the second Chi-
utes that contribute to a brand’s cumulative value such nese brand to appear on the Best Global Brands rank-
as the financial performance of the branded products ing. The first was Huawei (#88), which entered the
and services, the role the brand plays in influencing cus- ranking in 2014.
tomer choice, the strength the brand has to command a
premium price or secure earnings for the company, be- “The unstoppable rise of Asian brands is captured in
sides an analysis of the many ways a brand benefits an the Best Global Brands report,” says Stuart Green, In-
organization—from delivering on customer expectations terbrand’s Asia-Pacific Chief Executive Officer. “The
to driving economic value. total value of brands from Asia in the Top 100 has
grown 69% over the past 5 years. Consistently strong
“The Best Global Brands report examines what it takes Asian brands in the Top 100 such as Toyota, Nissan
for brands to succeed in today’s hyper-fragmented world. and Samsung, amongst others, have been joined in
As people demand immediate, personalized and tailored recent years by Kia, Huawei and now, Lenovo. This
experiences, business and brands need to move at the reflects not only the growing value of Asian brands, but
speed of life,” says Jez Frampton, Interbrand’s Global also their growing influence on the lives of many people
Chief Executive Officer. “Many of the brands in this around the world.”
year’s Top 100 are so intuitively aligned with people’s
priorities that they are able to seamlessly integrate into Technology and automotive brands dominate this
their everyday lives.” year’s ranking, holding a combined 28 positions. Tech-
nology brands, in particular, dominate—collectively
Hence, for the third year in a row, Apple (#1) and Google making up more than a third (33.6%) of the total value
(#2) claim the top positions. Valued at USD $170.276 of all 100 brands.
billion, Apple increases its brand value by 43%. Google,
valued at $120.314 billion, increases its brand value by Read the full report and articles authored by the thought
12%. Coca-Cola (#3) fell and Microsoft (#4) edges ahead leaders on Interbrand’s website.◊
of IBM (#5), followed by Toyota (#6), Samsung (#7), GE
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