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The Digital + Direct Marketing Association Asia released

its new Asia Pacific Digital Factbook in time to help
marketers strategize and set 2016 Budgets

The new Asia Pacific Digital them) are here. Mobile social users Factbook provides the statistics
Factbook 2015, provides statistics grew more than 30% year-on-year and insights you need to maximise
and trends about mobile, web, so- and one-quarter of all multi-device emerging opportunities.”
cial media, eCommerce, video, ad- users own three or more devices,
vertising, search, apps and just not to mention around a billion tab- Over the past eight years, the Digi-
about every aspect of this region’s let users. Digital advertising invest- tal Factbook’s predecessor, the
online marketing ecosystem. ment is up nearly 18% year-on-year Asia Digital Marketing Association’s
to more than $41 billion, with 23% (ADMA) Asia Pacific Digital Market-
“The good news for Asia Pacific of that spent on mobile. ing Yearbook, has been the go-to
marketers is that, after years of rap- resource for everyone looking for
id growth, we now have lots of just Nearly one-third of all Twitter users scarce, valuable information about
about everything! 2015 is the year are in this region, and in China online habits in Asia Pacific. Busi-
of choice”, says [D+D], an industry WeChat is dominant with 549 mil- ness executives use it to spot
group with a dual mission to maxim- lion monthly active users. emerging online trends, marketers
ize the value of marketers’ invest- use it to shape their strategies and
ment and to enhance the customer And the statistics in this year’s Asia understanding of their target cus-
experience. [D+D] promotes the Pacific Digital Factbook go on and tomers’ behaviour, and advertisers
effective use of digital and direct on. With connectivity, mobility and and media buyers look for actiona-
marketing across Asia Pacific via scale comes opportunity. ble insights.
advocacy, networking and educa- “Analysts have predicted ‘the year
tion, by sharing digital and direct of mobile’ for many years – now it’s Compiled by the Digital + Direct
best practices for customer engage- undeniably here. However, it’s also Marketing Association Asia [D+D],
ment, providing an industry meeting the year of social media. And apps the full version of the Digital
place, and sets the highest stand- and messaging. And eCommerce. Factbook is available to members;
ards for responsible use of custom- And programmatic advertising. And and non-members can download a
er data. summary PDF.
it’s still the year of search. So 2015
About half (47%) of the world’s in- is the year of choice. Asia Pacific Find details at
ternet population is in this region now has a robust and constantly resources/research.◊
and there are nearly 1.1 billion ac- evolving ecosystem of marketing
tive social media users in Asia Pa- and communications platforms and By MediaBUZZ
cific. More than half of all global media”, said David Ketchum, Chair-
smartphone users (951 million of man of [D+D]. “The [D+D] Digital

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