Page 38 - AeM_October_2021
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                                                The global expert in digital identity, GBG, announced its award win
                                                for  Best  AI  or  Machine  Learning  Innovation  of  the  Year  from  Asia
                                                Risk Awards 2021.

                                                The  biggest  challenge  faced  by  financial  institutions  today  is  not  the
                                                increasing  volume  of  financial  crime,  but  in  the  creativity  and
                                                sophistication in which fraud attacks are executed. In managing uncharted
                                                financial crimes, financial institutions (FIs) are seeing higher false positive
                                                rates, higher fraud alerts, and more missed frauds, which are detrimental
             to achieving target business growth when customers are unable to onboard and transact with success.

             Southeast  Asia's  first  fraud  bureau,  CTOS  IDguard,  which  is  powered  by  GBG's  fraud  and  financial  crime
             platform, is currently deploying GBG Machine Learning and is seeing an uplift in fraud detection of up to 30% for
             credit card applications.

             GBG developed its machine learning capabilities in response to the increasing innovativeness and complexity in
             which  fraud  attacks  are  executed.  With  Financial  Crime  4.0  escalating,  a  rule-based  system  is  insufficient  to
             detect and keep up with digital and emerging fraud typologies. GBG's machine learning utilizes both supervised
             and unsupervised algorithms; these algorithms are built into their core financial crime platform and can be easily
             and quickly configured, trained, and deployed via a low code/no code user interface. In addition, it also seamlessly
             accepts  the  import  of  custom  models  created  in  different  algorithms  via  a  Python  notebook-like  interface.

             The Asia Risk Technology Awards were announced online throughout 27-30 September 2021 and are the longest
             -running and most prestigious awards for firms and individuals involved in the Asia's derivatives markets and in
             risk  management.  The  awards  recognize  vendors  that  are  serving  financial  services  firms  in  meaningful  and
             innovative ways and is the latest in a string of industry-recognized achievements for GBG: inaugural naming on
             the prestigious 2021 IDC FinTech top 100 Rankings by IDC Financial Insights, with the company coming in at
             66th, and recognition as enterprise fraud category leader in Chartis RiskTech Quadrant 2021. ◊

                                      Aimazing,  a  Singapore-based  retail  data  platform  for  mall  management,
                                      announced the appointment of Imran Mohamad as Head of Marketing.

                                      In his new role, he will be responsible for overseeing the overall brand and marketing
                                      objectives  of  the  group,  including  shaping  the  brand’s  positioning  and  market

                                      Imran brings more than nine years of marketing experience in marketing strategy and
                                      general  management.  He  last  served  as  the  Head  of  Marketing  for  Shopback
                                      Singapore  where  he  was  responsible  for  customer  acquisition  and  revenue
                                      maximization for the platform. He was also Director at Singapore Malay Chamber of
                                      Commerce & Industry (SMCCI), representing more than 900 business members and
                                      overseeing an Enterprise Singapore-supported incubation program, Protege Kita.

                  Imran Mohamad       Prior  to  this,  he  provided  marketing  consultation  and  end-to-end  services  to  listed
                                      and growth companies under The Leverage Group with performance, social media
             and influencer, launch and global PR campaigns.

             The official appointment came in before Aimazing launched its retail analytics to enable mall operators to leverage
             technology  that  captures,  structures  and  sorts  real-time  retail  transactions.  To  drive  the  conversation  forward,
             Imran also hosts a category-defining podcast interview show on "The Future of Retail Asia", alongside CEO Jun
             Ting. The show aims to bring to light what retailers can expect in the foreseeable future by engaging experts and
             stakeholders in the market, such as Mr Lim Ming Yan, Chairman of Singapore Business Federation and former
             Group CEO of CapitaLand Limited.

             The retail-tech company also recently appointed GROW public relations, a boutique PR agency in Singapore that
             works with venture-backed start-ups and SMEs, as their agency on record. The PR agency has a proven track
             record of helping aspiring high-growth companies grab a great share of the market by providing them with the
             attention that they need. ◊

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